I've been arguing with some of my more religious friends about how they can cite Leviticus to hate homosexuals but ignore Leviticus with regard to their wardrobe and dietary choices. I suppose this question is for those with a better understanding of the bible than I, but what are the biblical arguments for Leviticus's place among modern Christians. I'm truly interested to know, and I'm not getting the answers from my friends.
More Blogs
Sunday Mar 14, 2010
No closer to closure, except I guess for the deafening silence. I do… -
Sunday Mar 07, 2010
Ugh. Coming up on the year mark from when my gf of 5 years pulled th… -
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Girls can weird sometimes. Spend two months talking to this girl, gr… -
Friday Jan 15, 2010
Not usually a fan of my birthday, but this year I decided to take off… -
Saturday Oct 17, 2009
As I look back on it I should have seen it coming. Those late nights… -
Thursday Oct 08, 2009
Still kind of in chock. Apparently that's where she was going when s… -
Wednesday Oct 07, 2009
That bitch. I found out last night the "woman" I used to date actual… -
Thursday Sep 24, 2009
So I've started seeing someone who's kind of a health nut and I was s… -
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
Finally had a run of good luck. Have a new job starting in Newark in… -
Wednesday Mar 25, 2009
she's gone.