Slayer kicked ass!!! The whole show was bad ass. I like the Big Easy in spokane, it was my first time there and the sound was great!!! For a Slayer crowd it wasn't violent in a bad way. They played for about an hour or more and the set was awesome, the only song I really wanted to hear was 213 and they didnt play it. It was n't better than the first time I saw slayer but it was damn good. My friends all made it ok, and one even surprised me comin over from Montana. It was great they all got to see Kya for about a day and she had a blast playing with them. I finally after four months met someone willing to babysit the kiddo, so maybe I'll get out every so often. That would be kinda weird. All in all it was the best weekend I've had in a while, bt a good sign that things are slowly improving(hey just like everyone said)

That is awesome, I'm glad you had such a good time.
Babysitter = good. I haven't EVER had one, but that's about to change!!