Well, not a bad weekend I guess. Pretty boring, as usual got outside a bit. Went to a movie, first time out of the house in way to long.

So, you haven't said.......how did you like the movie?
What did you see? There have been a lot of fairly entertaining movies out recently. Honestly, I am on of those ppl who doesn't think that you really need to have armor piercing bullets and guns equipt for that type of projectile as a civilian. That's fine way back when the Constitution was written - like a lot of things. We already threw what the founding fathers wanted right out the window. Origionally the plan was to revise the Constitution every few decades! That's why the ammendments, even they knew that time would change, and the country's docterines would need to change to keep up withthe times. True, they did a kick ass job at designing the constitution in the first place, so rarely has there been the need to give it an overhaul (ie, the removal of clauses dealing with slavery and black value, Women's right to vote, citizen's right to vote [it used to be just white male landowners!], etc.). Therefore, "anyone but Bush" is a starting point... if you recognize that Bush is not a good choice for president, he does not deserve another 4 years, then it is easier just to watch Kerry. Find something that you do like, and that speaks to you. I do not really think that the Dems are trying to take away rights. If anything, they are the ones more likely to preserve them. Dems are traditionally big government. This is a good thing! It means that programs can be funded for the community. They are the party that you will see your tax dollars back from, in the form of quality education for children, decent roads, afterschool programs to keep innercity kids offthe streets, etc. They subscribe, traditionally, much more to the school of thought where "the more you put into something, the more you get out of it." This is a universal truth. At the end of the day Kerry is a politician, and makes promises, some to most of which he may not be able to keep... but I do believe that he will try. More than what I can say for Bush. As far as right to free speech, I think that Tipper Gore is DEFINITELY the exception to the rule. As legislators (and their wives) they must be much more open minded, so as not to exclude anyone. The whole idea is that the president be the voice of the people. Kerry seems to be able to convey a difference between his personal beliefs and those beliefs of many people from many backgrounds in many circumstances. An example is how he handled the Abortion Question in Debate #2 last Friday. Seriously, if there is something that sticks out about Bush... could you tell me why you consider voting for him??? I mean, you've told me a lot about why you're not sure about Kerry... but is there something that Bush does/says/promises to do/say that makes you might want to vote for him? He is running a very negative campaign... I don't see any reason to vote for him - and at very least a handful of reasons why I'm so pro-Kerry. I'd like to hear a valid argument for Bush- really. Thanks for the dialouge, it is rather stimulating.