Some times I wish my brain would just go numb. I feel like I'm on a rollercoaster half the time. I know it's not as bad as it sometimes feels. I don't know anyone around here but Kya (my daughter) makes me smile more than any friend I've ever had. Just when I get feeling really down and out she seems to bring me a little sunshine. If only I could find a woman that could do the same. I know they're out there but I think they're all taken or they're hiding under some rock I can't seem to find. Oh well, anyway I feel alot better today than I did yesterday and who knows what tomorrow might bring. I just need to find a way to use this emptiness to my advantage, someday I'll find out how.

Domestically, that debate is yet to be had. However, Kerry has an idea. He's going to raise taxes. Nobody likes to hear those words, I don't - except I KNOW WHAT THEY MEAN. He's not nailing the poor or middle class, he's nailing people like himself. Tax the rich, they have the most money to fund what the government needs to do. It's the general philosophy of dems. The republicans will say "rasing taxes, you don't want to pay, do you? You have a right to the money you make." But the truth in that statement is not really directed at the American people as a whole, but rather to the top 10% or so. With this money he will be able to pay the "heros" (the firemen, the police, the park rangers, etc.) and have money to improve education. Bush has taken the greatest surplus in American History that Clinton left behind and turned it into the greatest deficit in proportion. Am I saying he led us to another Great Depression. Not really, just that he's proved he's a fuck up on the whole. I think it's someone else's turn to see what he can do. He seems to have a good head on his shoulders, even if it is a bit cartoonish.
If that doesn't get you leaning to Kerry, come back with some questions, comments, etc. What would make you vote for Bush? (no, really, what is it?
We don't want them to become Korn do we?
I was pleased with their performance this time.
The majority of the songs they played were from the first 2 albums.