I am still alive. I know by the pain I feel. Too much pressure from inside and out. I must learn to say no. I must learn to let go.
The Case of the Misplaced Homework
It all started innocently enough, a young child heading to bed. A pile of clothes, papers and soccer equipment lying over the foot of the bed. I should note that it is my daughters habit of lying important items at the foot of her bed.
She stands a mere shade over four feet tall and with her beds length...
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It all started innocently enough, a young child heading to bed. A pile of clothes, papers and soccer equipment lying over the foot of the bed. I should note that it is my daughters habit of lying important items at the foot of her bed.
She stands a mere shade over four feet tall and with her beds length...
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thank you!

Happy Birthday!!!

whats your deadly sin?
1 Lust (mine)
2 Greed
3 Sloth
4 Pride
5 Gluttony
6 Envy
7 Vengence (my darkest side?)
1 Lust (mine)
2 Greed
3 Sloth
4 Pride
5 Gluttony
6 Envy
7 Vengence (my darkest side?)
time waits for no one...home this morning with a sick daughter...she does too much and then collapses...it runs in my side of the family......school muddles on...i feel like an insect stuck in honey...struggle stuggle oooozzze...i hope with spring arriving some of my many projects with escape the ooozze and take wing!
many thanks KellyJoy for the friendship! ...you are breathtaking
many thanks KellyJoy for the friendship! ...you are breathtaking
school was great today...i really helped my students...i started teaching for many reasons, self esteem was not one of them, but it has been a pleasant bonus...it snowed today like...well like it snows in buffalo...being in buffalo it should not be a surprise, but it was an event...i mustn't blather on so, but i haven't been writing as of late...nothing cheerful to say...and darkness that...
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thank you! what do you teach?
I'm not in law school, i am in a Bachelors in Legal Studies/paralegal program. I'm not sure that I want to go to LS due to $, time, too much type A personality, etc. But, I am also really drawn to it on an intellectual level. And I would LOVE to get in front of a judge. Para's can do everything a lawyer can except go in front of a judge. Oh, and make the same $$
I think that maybe to an extent we get the justice we pay for, but not as much as the media would have us believe. Most judges and attny's are in the field for the right reasons, it's just that sometimes the reasons get blurry depending on the client.
I am happy now, was miserable before. I love my work and my field. The vast majority of justice is not seen, it's little victories for regular people, stuff that doesn't make tv.

I think that maybe to an extent we get the justice we pay for, but not as much as the media would have us believe. Most judges and attny's are in the field for the right reasons, it's just that sometimes the reasons get blurry depending on the client.
I am happy now, was miserable before. I love my work and my field. The vast majority of justice is not seen, it's little victories for regular people, stuff that doesn't make tv.
i skiied today for the first time...i shread... it was simply the best...my wee girls went too...women...even little ones can totally rocket...both of them found this new toy...and just love it...there was a sad and scary moment when the youngest was left on the chairlift... it was over before i knew...so my baby had tears but was safe...she fall asleep in my arms tonight...just wiped...
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I agree about $ talks in our court system, but the Anna Nicole case is being heard by the Supreme Court to settle a jurisdiction issue (which courts can rule on which issue) not to settle the financial question.
Denzel isn't my fave either (that's DeNiro) but he was a request, and I aim to please
Denzel isn't my fave either (that's DeNiro) but he was a request, and I aim to please

have been very sick... the semester started with illness & unease...went to the witch doc and received the ama voodoo spell for wellness...my SG pal Adria is sick too...it is the warm weather I blame...buffalo is suppose to be cold this time of year...
what else...went to a wedding last weekend, the most incredible food you could imagine...the queen of england would have chortled with...
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what else...went to a wedding last weekend, the most incredible food you could imagine...the queen of england would have chortled with...
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But I went to the doctor already...
and you are still sick?
that is depressing...but try to look at the bright side...bullshit psycology i suppose...but if one has a buddist approach all of life is suffering...are desires, as wonderful as they can be, bring us suffering very often...illness, loneliness and many other human conditions bring with them suffering....yet...without illness, health and well being might lose there appeal, without loneiness, and i know it well, those moments when we share the company of others, as friends or lovers, might loose there joyous meaning...i don't know...
life is full of suffering, i try to avoid dwelling on the negative... for years i embrassed pain and sorrow as i would a beautiful woman, it never brought me peace, only spiraling darkness...
i too feel very ill today, but i see your beauty on the screen and it lightens my day... thanks...you'll feel better soon
that is depressing...but try to look at the bright side...bullshit psycology i suppose...but if one has a buddist approach all of life is suffering...are desires, as wonderful as they can be, bring us suffering very often...illness, loneliness and many other human conditions bring with them suffering....yet...without illness, health and well being might lose there appeal, without loneiness, and i know it well, those moments when we share the company of others, as friends or lovers, might loose there joyous meaning...i don't know...
life is full of suffering, i try to avoid dwelling on the negative... for years i embrassed pain and sorrow as i would a beautiful woman, it never brought me peace, only spiraling darkness...
i too feel very ill today, but i see your beauty on the screen and it lightens my day... thanks...you'll feel better soon
i have my first SG friend! three cheers for Adria...i love your profile and pics...you have great depth and presence on video...you where born bold and beautiful...
...elsewhere the pigs need cleaning, the fish need cleaning, the mouse needs cleaning, the clothes, kids, dishes aahh...
work and money start monday..arbeit macht frie...must prepare...soon
...elsewhere the pigs need cleaning, the fish need cleaning, the mouse needs cleaning, the clothes, kids, dishes aahh...
work and money start monday..arbeit macht frie...must prepare...soon
i liked your comment on my journal a whiles back. my deepest apologies for a late reply...i often let sg replies drift down my "to do" list out of necessity. i do, however, love comments - and i love knowing the innards (sp?) of people's minds, so thanks for letting me in a bit.
what do you build?
ta & have a happy day.
what do you build?
ta & have a happy day.

tuesday morning...the little boy and i are home today...no school till next monday...it is something to read so many jounals at SG where loneliness seems ever present...and spontanious joy...yin/yang i suppose...if you go up the hill at sometime you most come down...
My first SG photo shoot!
i should be in bed...sleep unravels the knitted hearts of gargoyles...
teddy is a love machine...five months old and he's breaking hearts...the girls love him so much...except when he squeezes his little strong hands around their curls...he pulled out bread hair today, i was near tears...he also ate peas today...rice ceral, than apple sauce and today peas...he has it made, sucking on breasts all day...good...
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teddy is a love machine...five months old and he's breaking hearts...the girls love him so much...except when he squeezes his little strong hands around their curls...he pulled out bread hair today, i was near tears...he also ate peas today...rice ceral, than apple sauce and today peas...he has it made, sucking on breasts all day...good...
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cooked all weekend...waffles, fishcakes, apple pie, spicey chicken...yum
skated with the girls...love my new skates... it needs to get colder
i like this site...beautiful, interesting women...
but remember all men are pigs...i know...i am one...
skated with the girls...love my new skates... it needs to get colder
i like this site...beautiful, interesting women...
but remember all men are pigs...i know...i am one...

ps: you wrote your last blog on my birthday.