i think i need more friends on here.
bobby just isn't cutting it.
im looking at past entries on here....my last one before the last was in january of 2004. holy fuck.
so im back on here....it was an offer i couldnt refuse.

since i;ve been on here last. everything in my life has turned around.
im in new and amazing band called neversaydie....mayebe you've heard of us? if you haven't, go you your local hot topic and buy our new EP.

i feel fresh, clean, tall, dry.

i smoke more than i should, i inhale a...
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ok, i have a new workout plan, thats probably not gonna work, but it;s gonna make me feel a lot better about my phisical condition.
starting monday, i am going to run(not walk) for a mile and a half on my tread mill. i'm gonna do this every other day for 2 weeks....NO EXCUSES!!! after that two weeks, we take it up to 2 and...
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good luck!! tongue i'm feeling the same way! been eating to much crap and not doing anything bout it!! frown
so i go swimming once a week (40 lengths in 45 mins atm)
eventually i hope to get off my ass and do it twice a week!! were in it together dude!!

i'm part of a film companry that is putting out a film called just hess.
we need help getting the word out for this film. anyone wanna help us?
i figured these lovley SG communities were the best place to go for some lovely friendly help. ARRR!!!
columbus drinking fun.
timmy g, LaRouge and davey j....ohhhh boy oh boy oh boy. party hard, awk baby.
ok, i'm back! yay.
stupid cookies fuck up on my computer. dont know what that was all about. but now i have netscape and everything is cool.
NADINE! sorry i didn't see you out last time i was in town (last week) i'll catch you next time kiddo.
i can stop lurking now. this is sweet. WOO! ARRR!!!
hey? dude i aint been home since xmas!! confused

hey tho...nice to see ya back! smile
nadine - new years in yeovil was titties! i had so much fun.

and shoes, the babysitter thing is fact. she was 19, i was 15...what can i say, i was an animal!
actually the whole thing was kinda traumatic, hahahaha.
fuck computers man....for some reason my computer has been really fucked up for the past few weeks. i'm tyhinking it's something to do with cookies. it wouldn't let me log into to any of my online accounts such as this lovley ong. ah well.
ok. so whats been up? nothing really. i'm back in america. i'm mad i missed the SGOHIO party, that sounded like...
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re: your comment on the "strangest place I've ever masturbated"

I got myself off in a swimming pool changing room when I was 16 as well.

For some reason that struck me as enough of a coincidence to come to your journal and tell you that tongue
hey there you big freak!!! biggrin wow cant believe your on here!! heh heh heh!! how ya doin??

where the fuck are you by the way? and dude......have you been lurking for a really long time or what?? whatever

[Edited on Jan 13, 2004 9:20AM]
sooooo, what a day this is turning out to be.
we have our first show as the boyrose gaurantee tonight, thats gonna be fun. our drummer is a fucking moron. hahahaha.
i'm woken up at 6 thismorning by...well, lets call him pete, bec, we only have a 30 minuite set, so like, we gotta do what we gotta do quick. 4 songs....then we're gonna jam....
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i really hope my girlfriend is not fucking some other guy right now....it's probably happeneing. but maybe if dont think about it i wont worry....ehhhh, shes fucking him i know it.
back to drinking i go.
if you know this, she is your girlfriend why?
you know....thats a really good point *takes notes*