holy shit, the guy in my math class shaved his head and now he looks exactly like vladimir lenin. no shit
More Blogs
Saturday Jan 29, 2005
i haven't been doing too great lately. i've been seeing this girl th… -
Saturday Jan 08, 2005
going to canda tonight (that is if i can dig up my birth certificate)… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
i'm glad that shitty 2004 is over. lots oh bad crap happened last ye… -
Tuesday Dec 28, 2004
i have a confession to make. i went to a ska concert last night... a… -
Sunday Dec 26, 2004
ahh christmas.... what a grand time i spent with more extended family… -
Thursday Dec 16, 2004
goddamnit goddamnit goddamnit. my economics final is tonight and gue… -
Sunday Nov 28, 2004
ahh thanksgiving... i spent the evening over at my sister's husband'… -
Wednesday Nov 24, 2004
i just noticed that it was snowing... first snow of the year. i fuck… -
Tuesday Nov 23, 2004
i figured i'd write in this thing for the first time... how exciting.…
my internet is down at home so i've been mia. i realized a couple days ago that i dont know your name. you may have told me but i have forgoten. so, what is it?
i ordered the sink florida sink 7" today. i'll see what i can do about getting the electric unsubstansiated (sp?) rumors on mp3.
i hope things are well.