✨hey, wassupp, hellooo!✨
happy Saturday everyone (: I hope things are going well with you!💕
I'm having a slightly chaotic weekend because as the tittle of this ohso very creative blog says, I aM FlIppIn m00v!ng :( doughnut get me wrong I am super pumped, of course I know once everything is done and over with it's going to be an exciting, new chapter of my life...H0WeVERRRR right now I am sitting in my room looking around at how much unnecessary sh!t I own and how the fvck am I supposed to get it all from one place to another....I'm also one of those people who has a tendency of loosing my possessions during moves so figuring out a way to avoid that should be fun. If only I was an efficient, organized individual...I am not that. I am a lazy, semi-clean, unorganized individual. I suppose a positive of this is as I progressively pack my stuff into boxes and garbage bags I can actually get rid of some things I no longer require on my journey through life...almost like cleaning out my Pokemon bag..only like 30x's more complicated...*sigh* life...
Okay I should get back to it! Wish me luck, or tell me about your moving experience! or why not both! 😜
Have a good weekend everybuddyyyy<3
-BadWolf 💀