Played in a pool tournament yesterday. Advanced to the money round, then lost, but I doubled my money and finished in the top 64 out of 256 people. Can't complain too much. Spaghetti advanced to the Regional Playoffs in Oct.
Supposed to go look at some houses today, I think I may buy one by the end of this year. Didn't think I'd ever buy a house, but it looks like I should, plus it just makes sense.
It seems like spring may finally be here **keeps fingers crossed** and not a moment too soon. Now I'll just have to combat my allergies.
I could give a fuck 'cause it's not my pain
Supposed to go look at some houses today, I think I may buy one by the end of this year. Didn't think I'd ever buy a house, but it looks like I should, plus it just makes sense.
It seems like spring may finally be here **keeps fingers crossed** and not a moment too soon. Now I'll just have to combat my allergies.
I could give a fuck 'cause it's not my pain
buying a house soon (next five years) is a good idea, or any kind of property ITP. people will soon realize their gas expenses cost more than their mortgage payment...and you'll have all these hinterland folk descend on atlanta.