So here is a poem that I found in one of my old journals
The heartless souls of happy, hollow people
We seek fashion and trends
and make fake hollow friends
We seek darkness cause we believe it's light
And think it will take us to new heights
Nothing is new
all is old
The new thought you had was had long ago
Death is here and he will take you away
i guess now is a good time to pray
You have faith in God but he has none in you
You have taken his gift and tossed it away
And now is as good as any for you to begin to pray
False faith and false hope have lead you astray
You will not see the path cause the devils lead you away
You beg and you pray for more time to stay
But now its to late you have been taken away
As you are taken away you scream "Dear God please"
But he has no forgiveness
he says that you never believed
Now that your gone and your name has faded away
you begin to regret the choices you made
Was it all worth it
What was the truth
Your life without meaning was taken in a poof
And now its gone and there is nothing to show
for the use of your heartless hollow soul.
Well thats it, hope you enjoyed it.
Please tell me what you think, i never think my stuff is any good. But I would love to hear some comments, even if you hate it. Tell me why
The heartless souls of happy, hollow people
We seek fashion and trends
and make fake hollow friends
We seek darkness cause we believe it's light
And think it will take us to new heights
Nothing is new
all is old
The new thought you had was had long ago
Death is here and he will take you away
i guess now is a good time to pray
You have faith in God but he has none in you
You have taken his gift and tossed it away
And now is as good as any for you to begin to pray
False faith and false hope have lead you astray
You will not see the path cause the devils lead you away
You beg and you pray for more time to stay
But now its to late you have been taken away
As you are taken away you scream "Dear God please"
But he has no forgiveness
he says that you never believed
Now that your gone and your name has faded away
you begin to regret the choices you made
Was it all worth it
What was the truth
Your life without meaning was taken in a poof
And now its gone and there is nothing to show
for the use of your heartless hollow soul.
Well thats it, hope you enjoyed it.
Please tell me what you think, i never think my stuff is any good. But I would love to hear some comments, even if you hate it. Tell me why
And thank you for helping out Tarnish, you rock.
Oh and thanks for helping tarnish out.