I do not like when world events start encroaching on that small space inside my head. Not in the sense of an instantaneous, in your face wallop FOX news might give me of all the latest bad news. I'm thinking more along the lines of the creepy shit you hear on Art Bell that makes you laugh, but then a voice in the back of your head crawls out of its hole, ponders for a moment, nods, and says in a thick tenor, "Indeed."
I read stuff like this too much.
Then as quickly as these thoughts grow on me, I turn around and say 'fuck it' as usual and go check out my favorite man child on earth to see how his wonderful life is going.
I read stuff like this too much.
Then as quickly as these thoughts grow on me, I turn around and say 'fuck it' as usual and go check out my favorite man child on earth to see how his wonderful life is going.