Snakes on a Plane.
Pretty fucking good.
Had the Belle and Sebastian loving little bald guy from High Fidelity in it. That moved it up half a notch. Also took itself seriously despite having the most ridicolous premise ever and didn't devolve into some post modern spoof of cheesy 80's action/horror movies.
Also saw Scoop which was fantastic. Woody Allen, Scarlet Johansen and Swearangen from Deadwood. I was very tempted to shout San Francisco cocksucker every time he appeared.
I probably watch too much Deadwood.

Pretty fucking good.
Had the Belle and Sebastian loving little bald guy from High Fidelity in it. That moved it up half a notch. Also took itself seriously despite having the most ridicolous premise ever and didn't devolve into some post modern spoof of cheesy 80's action/horror movies.
Also saw Scoop which was fantastic. Woody Allen, Scarlet Johansen and Swearangen from Deadwood. I was very tempted to shout San Francisco cocksucker every time he appeared.
I probably watch too much Deadwood.

heheheh, greeting cards.