Things are going Great! Love it here in Clearwater. Would love to meet some cool people!
I'm back... Ok, I've been off for a while but I'm happy to be back with SG. Looking for new friends in the Tampa Bay area! I'm finally free of the burdens of life and can now start enjoying it instead of being run over by it...
Received an email today saying that one of my friends annonymously paid for my account to be reactivated... Whomever did this, thank you.... unless it's just a ploy to get someone to sign back up... Please let me know if you did though...
Well, I finally made the long journey from Calgary AB back to Cleveland, OH! What a long fuckin' drive that was. But my kitty was well behaved and didn't cry the whole time like last time! Thank the Gods.... But anywhoo, so I'm heading to Florida for a show and then hopefully getting a job so that I may leave dead Ohio... It's so depressing...
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I apologize for not chatting up so much lately, I've been really busy getting ready to move back the States, and I've been reall sick lately as well. Now I pick up my truck tomorrow for a 6am Leave time on Tuesday and I'm sicker than a dog.. ugh.. oh well.. Should be back in the Cleveland area hopefully by Wednesday evening or Thursday Morning!!!...
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Well, things are looking up but it's official, I'll be moving back to the US of A on february 9th. Back to Ohio for a bit, atleast until I figure out where I'll be going! Woot, any clevelanders out there?
Well, it was my Birtday today and things are not going well as of late.. my company is laying off people and I've not had work. Better yet, I cant legally work anywhere else in Canada so I have to move back to the States.. I'm looking at Florida/California, but am heading back to Ohio to hang with family til I get my shit together!...
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happy birthday! 

Well, it's been decided. Looks like after a year and a half I'll be moving back the States. Good ol' Canada was a great experience but there is no work for me here as per the fact that I cannot legally work anywhere else due to this Visa bullshit. And I'm not willing to be unemployed for the 7 months it'll take me to get...
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Wow, what a trip! Maui, the Big Island, and Honolulu was just awesome! Loads of fun! Took lots of great pics got some sun, although it rained almost the whole time! Great time...
Hey all.. Well, after a very long day of flying my arms are tired but hey, I'm now sitting on a beach in Maui!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Merry Chirstmas all!
Well, I'm off to Hawaii until January 3rd!!! Hope everyone has a great Holiday and a Happy New Year!!!
Wow, it's 1:30am and I have to be at the airport in 3 hours for my 6:12am flight to California. Lookin' forward to it! I must say. Had a great week visiting family for Canadian Thanksgiving back in Ohio. Saw a lot of folks. Makes me miss it. Now on to have a little fun in Cali and then a long drive back up to...
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