Surpose i should do a bit of an update.
Um Ur bollox writers block.
Sold a load of bike bits on the weekend. Bought a bike a while back for its engine for $600. Sold all the bit i did'nt want for $450. Basicially got myself an engine, electircs and a swingin arm for $150. Frigging bargain or what.
Went out last week met two nice ladies. Met up with one on friday night. Man what a fucking fruit loop. Weirdo. Shes been sending me sicko txt ever since aaah. She was really cool the first time i met her and nice to talk too on the phone too. Freak!
Met up with the other (nick) on saturday had a really good time. Stayed at her place too.
Going to first floor tonight for a drum and bass gig. with Nick too. yipee.
Going to do some paper work tommorow too.
in a bit adrian
Um Ur bollox writers block.
Sold a load of bike bits on the weekend. Bought a bike a while back for its engine for $600. Sold all the bit i did'nt want for $450. Basicially got myself an engine, electircs and a swingin arm for $150. Frigging bargain or what.
Went out last week met two nice ladies. Met up with one on friday night. Man what a fucking fruit loop. Weirdo. Shes been sending me sicko txt ever since aaah. She was really cool the first time i met her and nice to talk too on the phone too. Freak!
Met up with the other (nick) on saturday had a really good time. Stayed at her place too.
Going to first floor tonight for a drum and bass gig. with Nick too. yipee.
Going to do some paper work tommorow too.
in a bit adrian

Went to the international motorcycle show in Birmnigham last weekend - too much tempting stuff I's all an evil conspiracy to tempt us into lusting after stuff we can't afford. Much like most of the girls I know, in fact.... ho hum.
[Edited on Nov 16, 2004 3:41PM]