Got a phone call this morning. From a job agency. Do I still want to work at the shut down job. I said yes. So spent the next hour organising paper work, for the mines induction coarse. If all goes well I will be starting at the the end of september for 5-7 weeks. Which should give me enough cash to travel from brissie to the cape and then across to darwin or adelaide. The only problem now is the rainy season can cause problem with travelling to the cape so might have to wait. until march ish.
Finally got in touch with Serena She has invited me to stay at her place out in the sticks some time. Also met another lady this weekend that just blew me away. So much so I could bairly speak ( which is a first for me )
What to do next I have on idea.
until next time
Finally got in touch with Serena She has invited me to stay at her place out in the sticks some time. Also met another lady this weekend that just blew me away. So much so I could bairly speak ( which is a first for me )
What to do next I have on idea.
until next time
hey guess what? i got laid last week too!!! WOOHOO for us 
