Finally finished moving house yipee.
Moved into a mates place for 2 slabs a week. Bargain!
rainbow serpent this weekend. Have heard that it may not be happening due to the fires. Will find out soon. Nearly finished my truck. Repaired the ladder for the roof tent after some fat bugger broke it.
just got to stick the storgae tubs in and i'm done.
Only another two weeks and my mum get here. then we are off to tazie together. Then back to work hand in my notive and of on my travels.
In a bit me
Moved into a mates place for 2 slabs a week. Bargain!
rainbow serpent this weekend. Have heard that it may not be happening due to the fires. Will find out soon. Nearly finished my truck. Repaired the ladder for the roof tent after some fat bugger broke it.
just got to stick the storgae tubs in and i'm done.
Only another two weeks and my mum get here. then we are off to tazie together. Then back to work hand in my notive and of on my travels.
In a bit me

mine is just beginning lol!!! packing my shite now, then i have 2-3 weeks of floating until i get a house (1-2 weeks of that i will be working full time!! wont that be fun)
have a goodun mate!