Clowns pub crawl rocked. We only had 30 clowns turn up this year. Plus a few non clowns along for the ride. Also collected a few extras. We managed to cover all of StKilda and Prahan. Bugger I was so drunk and the last clown standing. All or nothing as per the norm.
This weekend think I go to technor in the city and a bush doof up in the hills the following night.
Still got a shit load to do as far as clearing the house. Got to be out by the 31st of this month. So thats two and a half years worth of junk to get rid of too. A hole garage worth of motor cycle bits and the house to clear bugger!!!
Plus christmas to take into consideration half way through. Help.
Owell it will all come together.
In a bit BoxFrog
This weekend think I go to technor in the city and a bush doof up in the hills the following night.
Still got a shit load to do as far as clearing the house. Got to be out by the 31st of this month. So thats two and a half years worth of junk to get rid of too. A hole garage worth of motor cycle bits and the house to clear bugger!!!
Plus christmas to take into consideration half way through. Help.
Owell it will all come together.
In a bit BoxFrog

i'll try to make your current stay here at sg a pleasant one!
was all over the place
causing toruble
passing around the champers
was in the mostly red rainbow tye dye dress
i was totaly losed to reality
people kept dosing me up all night and morning
now i hurt
was to much fun