still no house mate. bummer.
Partied way to much feel like shit.
Had lots and lots of fun though.
Cute hippy chick rang me for a date and then canceled at the last moment.
Deleted her number.
Met the most stuning girl in the world. She met the nicest guy in the world was not me. bummer.
time to go out and have fun....
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going to the pub
back from pub bestbmate was in bad mood cheered him up.
yipee i love making people happy.
Of to brunswick street for rush effect. good band lovely people
fun fun fun
Crap weekend that one.
Waited for the cute hippy chick to ring back. She did'nt. o well. I tryed. Then i got sick saturday morning bummer. My mate Sols leaving party saturday night. Draged myself out of bed. got to the party in through the front door said hi. Went to walk out into the garden and smash. Yep the patio window was closed great!...
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Met this lovely little hippy chick last weekend. We swapped numbers. Rang her in the week she was so shy on the phone, which made me go all shy. oops. she said she would ring me today so we could catch up. So now the waiting game I hate this bit. rapid chewing on nails,twiddling of dreadies. Will probally be so nervous by the time...
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Met this lovely little hippy chick last weekend. We swapped numbers. Rang her in the week she was so shy on the phone, which made me go all shy. oops. she said she would ring me today so we could catch up. So now the waiting game I hate this bit. rapid chewing on nails,twiddling of dreadies. Will probally be so nervous by the time...
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Things are definiatly on the up. Hit the lowest point of my hole life about 2 weeks ago. Which was shit!!! The only thing that kept me going was the knowledge it could only get better. smile Has it got better, too fuck right. Landed myself a top job building sports car with a really cool crew of people. Yea! Fixed my bike so i got...
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and hello! welcome! thanks for dropping by and saying hi!

not sure about a sg snow trip, i might start a thread in the group and see if we can organise something.. at this point i've got 11 days on the snow booked, and i'll probably end up with about 18 in total.. fuck, cant wait..