Seem to spend hours on here, do fuck all really. So been active. Working, at work. Sorting my bikes out lots of spaner and hammer action.
Hooked up with a cool chick the last two weekends.
Getting shit done. Will get stuck back into SG once my shit is sorted smile
yeah i kill a lot of time on sg, hate to know how much really.. somehow i still manage to get shit done, dont know how.. what ended up happening with the troupie?
I've spending a lot of them on SG too. But who cares, it's a cool site biggrin Anyway, I've haven't been commenting as I want to. Gotta change that. Also work's been kicking my ass. Trying to get new gig. Life's been both a kick in the nuts and a nice hand job. Take that as you will wink
Been sick
It sucks
Not been to up, bit down if anything.
House is a mess.
Trying to find a car is doing my head in
Manual turned up for my bike. So can sort that out at the weekend.
Think i should spend less time on line. Maybe get some shit done.
thanks man. just needed to hear it from some one else. things are lookin up a bit though...
watch the ex's though.
no matter how strong i think i am (or think you are), well... they are women. they have the power.

aw christ do they have ALL the power.

thanks again homie.
nah, but I've got magical fixing glue. It's broken once before in fact.
Feeling a bit more on form.
Going out tonight but put myself on a butget so don't get too PiSseD. Found a cool troopie this week. The guy is bringin it in to work on monday to check it out. Hopefully i can strike a deal on monday...
Will try an make it to work tommorow to do some extra hours. Will be able to...
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go the troopie, those things are solid.. very nice..

sydney hookup is this week, on thursday so i wont be going, cant do the mid-week thing.. oh well, guess i'll have to make sure i'm in melbourne for the next one down there..
hey mate pick me up on your first trip north when you get ya troopy

could do with teh break from all this
Sent out a letter too all my friends in the uk yesterday to let them know the dates of my arrival. Got a reply from my mates Lloyds parents. He was killed in a car accident in June. Shit he was good bloke. hm bit lost for words. frown
That's really sad. Finding out about stuff like that after the fact is hard...
I had a friend who was murdered about 3 years ago, and she still doesn't have a headstone. .. A few weeks ago, I sent an email round my work (small company, about 40 people) explaining the circumstances around her death and saying we were trying to raise money for a headstone and selling cds and t shirts and stuff (she was a singer) ...and one of the sysadmins came to see me to tell me that he knew her.. and didn't know she was dead. I felt awful frown
Anyway. I hope you feel ok.
Weird. I have always thought about that happening. I had this one friend and I knew nobody else who saw him and I saw him heaps, then one day he just disappeared. I always thought maybe he had died cos if he had it would explain it and I'd never know because I only ever met one other person who knew him and I could barely remember his name let alone what he loked like. Plus he lived far away.

Well I ran into that one dude about a month ago and the guy I thought was dead actually turned from a cool metal dude to a junkie raver and then moved to Finland forever to be with some chick.

It's weird when you lose contact with people and you have no idea where they are or what they are doing.
Well things went fairly well too plan. I got drunk. I had a hang over i told myself next weekend would be a quite one.
Friday night at Virus cranked had good boogie. Met up with some old friends.
Saturday moring woke up feeling like rat shit. Went to work to do some welding for a mate of mine.
Missed earth dance. Poo
Went too...
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Well my cunning plans for a quite one have gone too shit once again. A hate my friends, just leave me alone to be boring and get a good nights sleep please.
Virus are putting on a party at geddes lane tonight. The Geeza and few of the other usal suspects are playing. Virus has been one of the main players in the Acid techno...
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go for a misabitchy l300 4wd van mate
more room than a troopi and gose where other vans want

i know what ou mean on teh friends leading astray
i still cant find my brain after this weekend


not only the virus kids but acidjunkie as well is being kicked out so ive heard
how was that geeza break every one again??
i'm to pussy to ride a bike.. frown

anyways, next hookup, will be good to hear some ideas, most of the feedback was a bit negative toward alia, but positive to all the new people showing..

anyways, pony is an idea, illbillzillbub works there too.. most likely the old colonial will be the venue, or somewhere similar as it's easy for people to talk, its a little quieter for conversations sake, etc..

anyways, post your ideas..

be good to see you in sydney, keep your eyes on the sydney hookup thread in the sgau group..
The snow rocked.
My head is a mess my body is battered. How the fuck i ever made it throught work today i will never know.
First day went really well really got back into the groove of things. There was a huge dump friday night so we were riding lovely pure fresh snow. Carving through the trees like nutters.
On the second day Scotie...
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trust me on this one
guys with dreads dont look good in dresses

long flowing gypsy skirts yes but not dresses
dont belive me have a look at my pics


Hi, thanks for the note in my journal would have responded sooner but Ive only just got back from my bike trip to the Czech Republic. Brilliant place, btw! wink

Thanks for the info on those mad cars thats a most excellent job youve got there much envy! I liked your topic in the SGMC group about car tagging - lol at that one! I reckon Ill be adopting your proposed methods in future! Good to hear you had fun on the new Z1000 I was checking those out at the Birmingham bike show last year and I reckon there the best executed of all the new naked bikes very cool. Ive rode an original 1978 Z1000 a couple of years ago (my ex-girlfriend worked in a chop-shop and occasionally got to borrow customers bikes) now that was an interesting ride! I think chassis technology has improved since then. wink smile

Friend request sent, btw.
Fairly quite weekend.
Spwee mante sucks, cheap sparkling wine. two bottle is not a good idea. I fell asleep in the park. Then nearly got run over on nepean high way getting home. Then woke in bed with all my clothes on even my coat and boots. Went back to the party. Had the lovely Jules make it quite clear she was intrested in me,...
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What kind of nut would you say you are?

are you a tree nut or a pea nut, apparently it makes a difference, but a nut is a nut is a nut. biggrin miao!!
bloody ferals

got to love a good spark
I just new this was going to be a lucky week.
I got two new house mates
All the bits turned up for my bike.
I'm an ozzy
bounce around like a looney
scream and jump.
After all that bullshit
I finally have residentcy. I can come and go as i please.
Now what???????????????
smile smile smile smile smile biggrin wink biggrin tongue
Yes I am addicted!!! But it's all good. My flesh was born for it!
Yup! I looked at the DD website and it helped a lot. Actually I really liked it, it ate up a few hours of my Sunday though...

I had my septum pierced for a few years and it always had a problems. Guess we must just be opposites!

Hooked up with this girl that has been calling me.
Should have stayed at home. Met at this arty student type bar introduced me too her friends and disappered. came back and chatted for a bit, disappered again. Then we went for a smoke. Then she disappered. Then i went and found her said my goodbyes. Did'nt mind the disapperaing bit. Just her friends were...
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Oh I will be at the hookup for sure. Haven't heard the new Prodigy album properly yet. I am keeping an open mind. I will let you know this week.
Ok new Prodigy album....I have listened to it....hmmm.. think I am going ot have to listen to it again. A few songs are pretty cool on it. I think we are so used to their old shit that change of this nature is a bit scary to us fans. smile
Its early the neighbour is cutting his lawn. Wanker! So i'm listening to Panacea Fuckin Loud. Wake me up in the morning you all pay the price. Panacea are a German drum and bass group, crankin tunes if i ever heard them.
Bad news this week. The bike is sick, very sick. Gave it to the bike shop for Dyno run and carby set up....
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Welcome to SGMC!
Please post your bike in Pix of my bike and introduce yourself to the gang in theNew Member Intros topic.
love that journal.. my favourite quote "Better than sex. Well!!! better than crap sex at least."

very cool..