so the other night, i saw my all time 5 star favorite group in the history of anything The Instant Messengers.
i've known them for years, and half the times i've seen them play have been for free, but this time i had to pay $25 (which isn't that bad, but still.... bastards)
they're the most amazing group ever, and their sets are epic.
i have an obsession, and i can fully admit that.
anyway, they were AMAZING, and i love those guys to death, and they gave me their new shirt for $20 off (so, really, i paid like $5 to get in)
they only played a 20 minute set though, which made me want to take a BAG OF PUPPIES and beat the headlining groups to death. you heard me. DEATH BY PUPPIES.
ok, just so i can STOP sounding like a maniac, PICTURES YAYYYYYYY!!!!
there's a SHITTON more on my blog on myspace, but i'll only bother you with one more
this is my all time favorite picture, because my best friend took it, its got my favorite group, and i'm holding Rudie (by lion stuffed animal backpack) who i love.
i got the Transformers DVD today. this will last me probably until either the Nothing Nice To Say book comes out or "Slammers!" by The Instant Messengers
speaking of NN2S, it's been updating regularly......YAYYYYYYYY
did i mention?
if you havn't already done it, you should comment my hopeful set "Flawless Taste"
it'll be so much fun, you'll want to comment again and again!!!
it's like a carnival without churros and carnies!
....ok, i still have churros