Hmmm letting the same girl break your heart 3 times, beer, and sad music can make you depressed? who knew? hollywood, ive got the story of the century!whatever
Nope. Girls go through it as well.
"I just want some one to say to me

I'll always be there when you wake

Ya know I'd like to keep my cheeks dry today"

5 Bucks if you can name the song describing my night :-)
Bored, watching independance day and mount farming in WoW. Damn i wanna get out of the house, but all my friends are bitching its too hot. might go see captain america or some shit.
Took my daughter to the park today. she looked up at this 15-16 year old kid who was inexplicably at a play ground, blocking her way. She politely said "excuse me" and tried to get past him on this castle thingy. He looked down at her, mocking said "excuse this" and started pushing he against the wood with his leg... it took me about 3...
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I don't think knocking the kid out was the right thing to do but I agree that he was out of line in the way he treated your daughter.
not rational, but she was crying in pain... its a daddy thing, lol.
Fuck i hate lonely nights with my cat. bout to go on match.com or something just to find a date for next weekend, lol
Ex girlfriend is calling me, blocking her number just to hear me talk. creepy and sweet at the same time. I miss her, but cant let her string me along this way, her break up with me was writing on facebook that she was married to someone else, lol. i miss her.
Sounds rough. You are doing the better thing by cutting it off completely.
Went out with my friends last night. I was having a great time, till the ex decided she was coming along, made a scene, started a fight, ruined the fucking night. Seriously, not even 1 fucking night to myself?
Wrote a paper for english, studied subnetting for networking, saw bad teacher (not a bad movie at all), and now for a night of video games and beer.
ugh, feel like shit. i think i got heat exhaustion. My cat isnt making resting any easier, lol
aww! frown get some rest! my cat always wakes me up early!
heh my minion (and thats her name) is a total terror, she gets mad when i sleep like im deliberately ignoring her, heh
hmmm i think i was just made a booty call... mmm... i dont know how to feel. getting laid... awesome, spending time with the girl i love... awesome... knowing i will never let it go any further cuz i know shes gonna hurt me again... not awesome
Oh no.... doesn't sound that awesome in the end.
She came and visited me. she even kissed me. she later told me she was jealous when i was at my wrestling match and my ex was in the bar next door... odd behavior for someone who never loved me. For now im just not going to look that deep into it. im not setting myself up for another heart break, regardless of how much...
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