It`s been a while since I`ve been on here, since I don`t have the internet. however I decided to try the site on my phone.
I`m now living in Alberta, Northeast Alberta, in the middle of nowhere. Cold Lake, where the pretty girls are slim picking. and most the good ones are taken or Lesbian. It sucks being single up here, and is often quite lonesome.
So I`m searching for people on here that are from Alberta, preferably Edmonton and North, guys, girls, anybody, for hangouts, social drinks, FWB, dating, whatever. Just want to know more people out here, especially awesome people who are on SG
I`m now living in Alberta, Northeast Alberta, in the middle of nowhere. Cold Lake, where the pretty girls are slim picking. and most the good ones are taken or Lesbian. It sucks being single up here, and is often quite lonesome.
So I`m searching for people on here that are from Alberta, preferably Edmonton and North, guys, girls, anybody, for hangouts, social drinks, FWB, dating, whatever. Just want to know more people out here, especially awesome people who are on SG
So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!