It`s been a while since I`ve been on here, since I don`t have the internet. however I decided to try the site on my phone.
I`m now living in Alberta, Northeast Alberta, in the middle of nowhere. Cold Lake, where the pretty girls are slim picking. and most the good ones are taken or Lesbian. It sucks being single up here, and is often quite...
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I`m now living in Alberta, Northeast Alberta, in the middle of nowhere. Cold Lake, where the pretty girls are slim picking. and most the good ones are taken or Lesbian. It sucks being single up here, and is often quite...
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So, I've decided to go through my friends list here on SG and see how many people on it are still active on the site and say Hello to the ones that are. So Hello!

What has everyone got planned for NewYears Eve? any crazy parties?
any juicy resolutions?
any juicy resolutions?
awwwwwww thanx so much for comment on my set Whiskey Night
Love the dirty comment on my set thanks

Merry Christmas to all, and a Happy New Year
As usual, i'm alone on Christmas, waiting under the mistletoe, for anyone...
As usual, i'm alone on Christmas, waiting under the mistletoe, for anyone...

So i'm looking to get a pin-up girl tattoo, I'm in the Canadian Air Force, so i want a military style, air-woman(nose-art like), saluting, possibly with an aircraft in the back and am trying to figure out a design i have a few pictures to give me an idea,
i'm just wondering if anybody has pictures of this style of themselves, or others, that they'd...
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i'm just wondering if anybody has pictures of this style of themselves, or others, that they'd...
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I really like the second one down!
I agree with Malice i like that one..but make her tits bigger!
So Hallowe'en just past, definately my favorite of the holidays, I think there should be a Halfoween as well, theres no candy involved, but halfway through the year, everyone dresses in crazy/spooky/sexy costumes, at work, the bars, at school, anywhere, lol or better yet, once a month...
so i finally figured out my costume, thursday night, was real excited about it, due to my awesome...
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so i finally figured out my costume, thursday night, was real excited about it, due to my awesome...
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ha! you are th first person to make an American Pie joke about my set! I cant believe it has taken so long!
That's funking awesome! Zombie Jesus FTW!! 

So It's Hallow's Eve, and that means...the freaks come out, i finally got my costume sorted out last night, and i think it's a good one, I'm goin as the 3rd coming of christ...IN ZOMBIE FORM, thats right i'm partying for hallowe'en as Zombie Jesus...lets face it, Jesus was the original zombie, he died, came back from the dead, and horrified and tortured people, he...
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thank you! 

Hey everyone, so it's the last day of September...and you know what that means, not only is the Canadian Thanksgiving around the corner, but more importantly, HALLOWE'EN is just around the corner as well!!!
and well i have no idea what to do for a costume, and am looking for ideas or some help,
I do have my military uniform so i could go as...
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and well i have no idea what to do for a costume, and am looking for ideas or some help,
I do have my military uniform so i could go as...
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hi darling. i'm sorry, but the group is only for the suicidegirls who participate in the project, not for soldiers! there is a group on here for soldiers as well though!
HALLOWEEN this weekend, darling!!!

Sooo, this weekend is a long weekend, going to Kingston, Ont with my roomate to party hard, should be a blasty-blast, hopefully i can lure a cute gal(s) to company me back to my hotel room, and release some passion upon her for hours
and then the following friday (sept 11) is my 22nd birthday, in which i will be going home to Trenton, Ont,...
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and then the following friday (sept 11) is my 22nd birthday, in which i will be going home to Trenton, Ont,...
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Well to start off, my name is Matt, and i'm 21 years old. I am currently in the Canadian Armed Forces, training to be an Aircraft Structures Technician.
"If you don't stand behind our troops, by all means you're welcome to stand in front of them"
I am open to almost anything and get along with all kinds of people. I'm very goal oriented, I...
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"If you don't stand behind our troops, by all means you're welcome to stand in front of them"
I am open to almost anything and get along with all kinds of people. I'm very goal oriented, I...
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Welcome to the site!