nothing of substance my ass. Four more years Mr. Bush? More like 5 more days, pal!
Um, and REM was there? What the hell? How surprised we were to see them!
If you like this kinda stuff, you should also come down to UC on November 30th, when the UC skeptics host Morgan Spurlock, creator of "Super Size Me," in the Zimmer auditorium. There will be a free showing of the movie and a question and answer session.
nothing of substance my ass. Four more years Mr. Bush? More like 5 more days, pal!
Um, and REM was there? What the hell? How surprised we were to see them!
If you like this kinda stuff, you should also come down to UC on November 30th, when the UC skeptics host Morgan Spurlock, creator of "Super Size Me," in the Zimmer auditorium. There will be a free showing of the movie and a question and answer session.