Alrighty well... I posted more pics in my folder. I really dont understand the resizing thing. Some pics are really big, and others small. If someone can show me what Im doing wrong PLEASE do!
And heres whats going on in Lindsey Land:
-I AM moving to Bloomington, IN in a few weeks.
-I have grown a new found respect for Lars Fredericksen. Our lives are oddly similar. Plus I have always taken a liking to people who have gone through a rough life, and come out of it with a positive outlook. I wanna sit down with him, and have a REAL conversation. No groupie B.S. or music talk. haha yeah RIGHT. Im too shy...
-I will be shooting a new set with a professional photographer VERY soon.
(Nothing against the person who did my other one)
-I want some SG panties SOOOO bad.
Everyones compliments and advice has made me one HAPPY girl!!
THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Its such a blessing to have nice people around. I didnt get ONE mean comment.

And heres whats going on in Lindsey Land:
-I AM moving to Bloomington, IN in a few weeks.
-I have grown a new found respect for Lars Fredericksen. Our lives are oddly similar. Plus I have always taken a liking to people who have gone through a rough life, and come out of it with a positive outlook. I wanna sit down with him, and have a REAL conversation. No groupie B.S. or music talk. haha yeah RIGHT. Im too shy...
-I will be shooting a new set with a professional photographer VERY soon.

-I want some SG panties SOOOO bad.
Everyones compliments and advice has made me one HAPPY girl!!
THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Its such a blessing to have nice people around. I didnt get ONE mean comment.
hey, the current pic#3 in the folder is very artistic and nice! could be used as a postcard
and the one of you "against" rancid is funny
so when are you moving to bloomington?
new set...woohoo! who is the new photographer?
as weird as it is to say...i have some SG panties, you gotta wear em though!