Hello SG,
It feels like ages since I've written a really in-depth blog on here. I think I've gotten myself caught up in too many social networking sites ha ha.
I want to take a moment to thank everyone who has supported my book, I Hope You Read This Someday, as well as helped with voting for my MILF friend to win a photo-shoot. I always genuinely appreciate any and every second one of you takes out of your day to support me in something I'm doing. Also, those of you who have been supporting me with my quest to become part of The World Race, thank you. I still have not heard back from them due to delays with background check results and an overflow of applications.
I hope that everyone has been enjoying winter as much as they can. Before we know it, it will be smoldering hot again and we'll be aching for an icy breeze!
I also want to say congratulations to the lovely Damsel on her engagement! I adore seeing people in love wanting to spend their lives together; it's absolutely beautiful, and I wish her the best of luck & all the happiness in the world.

I recently got back from Toronto. I was so bummed that I had no phone and barely ever had wifi, so I was unable to hang out with Renna as well as some other lovely SG ladies.

But, nonetheless, I still managed to have a great time. I definitely had a lot more fun than I initially expected!

My 21st is in two weeks [March 21st], AND it's my golden birthday. I'm considering painting myself gold, and going out on the town like that. I need some ideas for fun, cheap things to do for my 21st. I literally cannot make up my mind for what I want to do. I've technically already celebrated my 21st twice, since other countries have different drinking ages...so what shall I do for my actual one? ha ha. The possibilities are endless.
Hope you all have an awesome St. Patty's Day!
Birthday Wishlist
Sometimes. the average person today, thinks they're so complicated. They aren't, we live in a time of information and knowledge... but they spend it taking selfies and complaining about traffic or customer service. Just sheep following the pack. I live in a Red State... In a Red City... Dealing with Red People all day worried that the Gov will take away their guns and Big Macs, but not worried that they know more people with heart disease or diabetes then their parents or grand parents ever knew. At the age of 50 they are dependent on prescriptions to stay alive and think I'm weird because I want my kids to go to Mars and get the hell out of this town. I can leave but I won't for now. I just have to suffer for a while to reach my goals. It's hard and in those empty moments I battle with myself for what's best in the long run. These last few years I haven't liked myself very much. But my kids will be better for it. They will get out of this town and only come back for funerals. They will see the stars and help humanity. This is what lets me sleep at night.
Yep you sure can. I have always liked eye contact.