Hello, pretty faces! This week has been so amazing! And to top it all off, mine and BelleBane's multi comes out this Sunday, September 18th!
Gahhh! I'm pretty excited, if you couldn't tell :-D

And I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but please continue to love on my set "Lust"
I would be the happiest girl in the world if I woke up and saw that "Lust" had made it on the front page :}
I'm still on my Beatles kick, and I've definitely noticed that I've rarely listened to death metal lately, which is completely out of character for me. But the Beatles are just so good, I'm really not TOO saddened by this fact.
What can ya do.
Other than that, if you've taken a liking to me for some reason, go follow me on Tumblr, I update it daily. <3
Outstanding set... I really liked your multi too... On a side note... I thought it was a bit strange that your name is not mentioned in the text accompanying the pictures (at least from what I can see).
thank you, love!