i went to bed 3 hours ago in reality i went to read. i remember now why i don't read that much anymore it makes me think. its makes me think that my current thought processes are wrong and in theory they are regarding apperance and the fact that i simply care to damn much and cannot make a decision for me without someone eleses...
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and when i wake up from this mess ...

will everything be ok???
Generally, no. surreal
here's hoping it will be....
or was?
in the aftermath of my birthday party and whatnot things have been ok. i will elaborate more on another day but right now it is beautiful napping weather.
Yup the weather is awesome.Iwish it could last foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.........
happy birthday to me!!!! smile
aww I'm 2 days late. Happy Birthday anyways!
ya so am i but i dont give a shit....im still waitin on that booty call for my buff bod? LOL
so soon i will be another year older --- though this past year wasn't terrible i think i have grown in ways that i cannot put words to.

I have a feeling though that this year is going to be amazing!
i sometimes feel like giving up on men completely. they suck! sorry for all of those nice boys out there who are reading this. time and time again you can't even ask of a friendship from someone without them thinking that all i want is sex or whatever. half the time i don't know what people are thinking. is it me??? do you just suck???...
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I could use a friend. Will you be my friend? (Any one who has a crush on trent lane can't be a bad person to be friends with)
By the way you look very very familiar where around A2 might I have seen you? If you don't mind me asking.
Oh happy birthday on Friday, too.
4 years and over a million fights later i've been saying this all along but you finally would like space on your terms---

i will sleep sound as long as your not comming around.
Thanks so much for the super sweet set comment! smile
i slept most of my day away which to some degrees i don't believe is a bad thing. today was my first day off where i didn't have any plans wether it be school or taking care of my various legal issues (traffic tickets woohoo) but that is all done.

goodbye march hello april-- i will be 20 in a week. that scares me i'm...
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i cannot wait for april 23rd!!!

<3 against me! and alkaline trio <3


i am an agiainst me! virgin and i've seen alkaline trio once when they were on tour with MCR (eww) but i was way way up in the nose bleeds---where there weren't any other fans too boot i was solo whatever

the sky was a beautiful blue today and i got to wear...
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ooo sounds exciting! I saw alkaline trio once too...but they were opening for blink 182 and that's who I was there to see. (I was 13! ahh! blush )
two awesome movies night after night ...last night i watched mirror mask---amazing. then tonight king kong--- amazing !! (my roomate bought it) now i will go to sleep---

i still want an adventure smile