Wow lowest percentage of votes for suicide beauty queen- makes me feel all warm and fuzzy- maybe i'm just ugly 

gosh darlin i just saw a snap of you on the sg reject set page and i couldnt understand and wanted more but you have no pics posted here and i dont remember voting for anything so it aint my fault and i can sympathies but not empathies with the weight issue thing but yer pretty fucking cute so far as i can tell...just dont let your kneecaps reach your toes and its all woman needs to keep her weight in check so as not to be gross and i am the happy manhandler of one plump little pumpkin...can you cook? do you have a personality i wana come home to? can ya tend to the garden? can ya post a pic er two? the most unatractive thing i know is someone beating up on themselves...buck up little camper...i wana see more!...