First day back to class---- It was pretty interesting. I missed my Intro to Gov class because I got the times mixed up (YAY for being a retard)- I wrote my prof and let them know the deal - still haven't gotten a reply but whatevea- My Intro to Stat class OMG - the teacher has very broken english with a very thick accent so 3 hours it was very difficult to understand but at the same time he would be cracking all these jokes that no one was laughing at except for me- i'm deff going to be staying on top of these classes cause there going to slip by fast... I got home at 9ish to Ric ready for Necto- I've been wanting to go agian lately cause i miss it and its been almost 2 months- so i hurried up and in 10 minutes flat i was dressed and ready- the great thing was that it didn't take me forever cause i lost some weight and i put on this dress that normally is really tight and not so flaturing NOT THIS TIME fucking fit perfectly- my hur was did from earlier so i didn't have to fuck with it and i felt fucking SEXY- i know i know - i'm being all high and mighty but hey i'm so use to feeling bad about myself that it was nice to have this "high" for a change.... i danced and people watched and danced - i spent most of the night solo cause ric and john and their friend were doing who knows what so i sat at our both and when a good song would come on i would go and dance and ooggle at super hot glow-boy who has a girlfriend- i've had a drool problem for him since we started going... we litterally dance circles around eachother at the club and never say anything OOO and correction dance circles around but never with - i get over it... i'm not really a dance with girl i guess i always just keep to myself- i did for the first time have someone ask me to dance but he smelled and i have bubble issues when it comes to those i'm not familiar with... I'm tring to get a friend of mine to go with me next week- - - he said he'd think about it- i'd dance with him
but hes not really into the whole industrial thing so who knows how it'll turn out. i think it would be nice to just hang out with him period. i keep on hearing birds its weird. maybe its the tv. anywho- last night i talked to an old friend - i was really nice it has been months since we talked like that and truely i miss him. its like time goes by and we won't talk for months and all of a sudden its everyother day for hours and its nice- he surprised me last night to - my jr. year in highschool his sr. he told me that we were going to get married now - to boot i crush on this boy like crazy because he is so wonderful- in highschool we always had bad timing. i would be single and he wouldn't then it would switch or he would've just been out of a realtionship and hurt and i would be single. ya know things like that. nothing ever happened between us until right after i had graduated and to tell you the truth i think he may've been to drunk to rememeber- i get to shy to ask him about it- i get shy around him period. i have tendences to text message him when were sitting on opposite coachs arm lenght away. anyway back to what i was saing before he remebered about the whole married part and it made me smile. i'm tring to activly stay apart of my true friends lives. i feel like life can never get too busy for them but it always get the best of me. ok well bed for now -
til next time <3
til next time <3