i miss my girl.

the only thing better than my Vice Squad shirt are my X, Anti-Nowhere League and Exploited shirts... but, my Vice Squad shirt on my girl would totally round out the top five. She is a million different kinds of cute in this photo.
received a downpayment on a large project. if all goes according to plan i will be working for the scooter store guy straight through september. if all goes fucking fantastic, i will be working on projects for him straight into next year. but i'm not counting on it.
going to PA for a few days of meetings. i have to meet with a web design company to discuss my vision of his e-commerce site; i have to meet with the local mall regarding the kiosk i will be designing and i am going on a tour of skate shops, bike stores, atv stores, motorcycle places and scooter shops throughout PA, NY and NJ (do you know of any that look especially rad)?
then i get to go to NJ for a few days to be with the girl who makes my eyes do this:

then some beach time.
note to any of my friends, if you want my new email address, please send me an email through my profile and i'll reply to you with it. my old email is dead and gone and i do not have access to it.
throw rag tomorrow and some band of gypsies. should be a huge showing of SGBoston crew. looking forward to it.
as i got money today, i bought cd's for the first time in 2 months:
BALZAC has a new album out. after listening to 1/3 of it, i can say, without hesitation that they are one of the most exciting things happening in punk rock in at least 10 years.

they are an english-as-a-second-language japanese punk band who were thoroughly inspired by the original misfits and have taken that sound much further than most horror punk bands.
their music has a hint of lunacy to it. hirosuke opens most of their songs with screaming. not metal screaming, but more like a death-howl, a release of all of the air and emotion he has in his body so that when the band suddenly drops into the punk beats, he can start fresh delivering his crazy-ass lyrics, none of which i understand. their music hits like a wall of malevolent noise and, at the same time, it's really fucking catchy.
check them out. they are worth it.
also, i got lucky in that they actually had the "love" collection from JOHNNY CASH; i really wanted a disc of songs about missing girls and the "life" and "god" compilations weren't gonna do it for me. (i already have the "murder" disc -- it's pretty cool and each cd has a great fucking design, i wish they did this shit for all brilliant and prolific musicians).
last night i watched this movie:

in addition to nicely-spaced typography on the cover (seriously, don't you just want to fuck the spaces between the C, O and V?), it features an interesting and unique plot AND MORE IMPORTANTLY: kate beckinsale, circa 1993 with short punky hair. oh my god naked kate beckinsale in this movie is like an explosion of boners.
now i'm watching serendipity. yeah, that's right, shut the fuck up. man, she was so much hotter back in the day, when she was younger. she's way too classy now.
i am so tired. i have nothing of worth to communicate. once i get through this month and into the new apartment my mental state will be healthier and i will be much less frustrated and upset and worried and stressed-out.
later gators.
There are many monsters hidden in my mind. If I had true talent or at least the words to verbalize them, I could probably make horror fans puke.