I can't fall asleep, so I guess i'll get around to a half-assed update that I had intended to do for the last few days. I haven't been lazy though, I was working on this tattoo design for a lady from Craigslist; it took a little less than 8 hours, not bad, eh?
The 80's Prom
As threatened, my best friend's girl Eryn turned her apartment into a cafeteria and her neighbors into a gym and held an 80's prom party. Some background:
Eryn is Chris' girlfriend. Chris, ThePants and I have been friends for more than ten years. My grandmother's house was about six houses down from Chris' house and seven houses down from ThePants' house, so everyday after school we would wreak havoc on our small section of neighborhood. As the years went by, the three of us got closer, until at some point in high school it was fair to say that the three of us may as well have been brothers.
Chris was a very troubled lad and could never manage a relationship. After a disasterous two years of absolute animosity and aimless misogyny, he started going out with Eryn. Eryn was my friend from my days as a backyard wrestler (she was a valet); when ThePants and I were shooting Zombie Hunter we brought her in to play a zombie slumber party girl and that's when she fell for Chris.
More than four years passed and after some rough times, they are still together and Chris loves her very much; see, told ya so.
So, it would be safe to say I was looking forward to the whole event, I hadn't hung with Chris in more than a year (he moved to Florida for a while, right after he visited me last spring).
ThePants dressed as the supporting character in an 80's buddy comedy, complete with sunglasses and "I can get laid at any moment" attitude. I went as a the new wave artfag you see in the background of 80's movies who wasn't quite hip enough to fit in properly with the crowd and Palo went as the cliched 80's gal, detail perfect, down to the cut-stocking gloves (also, she was rocking a tight denim skirt over her amazing legs
After my aforementioned half-split during "Footloose," there was some more dancing which later degenerated into karaoke. Chris and Donald (a friend who books the shows at our club back home) had the microphones when WHAM! came on and I suddenly realized a tragedy was occuring...
So, I quickly grabbed his mic and Chris and I sang all of the "Wake Me Up, Before You Go-Go" straight through and did a little dance to punctuate the whole thing (the sudden and dreadful realization that I knew every single word to that song hit me like a punch in the stomach afterwords).
This photo was taken when Chris, John (the guy who lived in the "gym") and I sang "Rainbow Connection" we were later joined by my brother Kyle and ThePants when it was clear we only knew the beginning of the song. Chris later embarrassed me by not knowing all of the words to "God of Thunder" by KISS, but later redeemed himself during, what I feel, was a particularly emotive rendition of "Poison" by Alice Cooper, that he and I performed as a duet (notice that the suspenders have been dropped in a moment of passion).
"Your cruel, de-vice, your blood -- like ice, one look, could kill..."
Kyle and Chris sorta-but-not-really collaborated and ended up dressing as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice...
...which led to an amazing encounter between the two apartments. Eryn and John's apartments are divided by a very narrow hallway, their doors face each other on opposite sides of the narrow hallway (such that if both doors were open, you could easily jump in between the apartments without touching the hall). Well, both doors were closed as ThePants and I (who were dressed like this):
were about to go into John's apartment, but got sidetracked into having a clandestine discussion revolving around my summer in the scooter store, Donald's bed and a girl with whom I've had relations dancing a few feet away from my girlfriend. When suddenly Chris came out of John's apartment at nearly the exact moment that Kyle came out of Eryn's apartment (dressed like this):
Before anyone could think about the hilarity of the guys from Miami Vice busting a hush-hush moment between two obvious drug-users, Chris had already thrown me up against the wall and Kyle was already interrogating ThePants. There was not even a moment of hesitation, their improv comic timing was perfect. Chris and Kyle are two of the funniest people I know.
It was a great night. To see all of the amazingly splending pictures (including sexy 80's palo), go to here.
The 80's Prom
As threatened, my best friend's girl Eryn turned her apartment into a cafeteria and her neighbors into a gym and held an 80's prom party. Some background:
Eryn is Chris' girlfriend. Chris, ThePants and I have been friends for more than ten years. My grandmother's house was about six houses down from Chris' house and seven houses down from ThePants' house, so everyday after school we would wreak havoc on our small section of neighborhood. As the years went by, the three of us got closer, until at some point in high school it was fair to say that the three of us may as well have been brothers.
Chris was a very troubled lad and could never manage a relationship. After a disasterous two years of absolute animosity and aimless misogyny, he started going out with Eryn. Eryn was my friend from my days as a backyard wrestler (she was a valet); when ThePants and I were shooting Zombie Hunter we brought her in to play a zombie slumber party girl and that's when she fell for Chris.
More than four years passed and after some rough times, they are still together and Chris loves her very much; see, told ya so.
So, it would be safe to say I was looking forward to the whole event, I hadn't hung with Chris in more than a year (he moved to Florida for a while, right after he visited me last spring).
ThePants dressed as the supporting character in an 80's buddy comedy, complete with sunglasses and "I can get laid at any moment" attitude. I went as a the new wave artfag you see in the background of 80's movies who wasn't quite hip enough to fit in properly with the crowd and Palo went as the cliched 80's gal, detail perfect, down to the cut-stocking gloves (also, she was rocking a tight denim skirt over her amazing legs

After my aforementioned half-split during "Footloose," there was some more dancing which later degenerated into karaoke. Chris and Donald (a friend who books the shows at our club back home) had the microphones when WHAM! came on and I suddenly realized a tragedy was occuring...
So, I quickly grabbed his mic and Chris and I sang all of the "Wake Me Up, Before You Go-Go" straight through and did a little dance to punctuate the whole thing (the sudden and dreadful realization that I knew every single word to that song hit me like a punch in the stomach afterwords).

This photo was taken when Chris, John (the guy who lived in the "gym") and I sang "Rainbow Connection" we were later joined by my brother Kyle and ThePants when it was clear we only knew the beginning of the song. Chris later embarrassed me by not knowing all of the words to "God of Thunder" by KISS, but later redeemed himself during, what I feel, was a particularly emotive rendition of "Poison" by Alice Cooper, that he and I performed as a duet (notice that the suspenders have been dropped in a moment of passion).

"Your cruel, de-vice, your blood -- like ice, one look, could kill..."
Kyle and Chris sorta-but-not-really collaborated and ended up dressing as Crockett and Tubbs from Miami Vice...

...which led to an amazing encounter between the two apartments. Eryn and John's apartments are divided by a very narrow hallway, their doors face each other on opposite sides of the narrow hallway (such that if both doors were open, you could easily jump in between the apartments without touching the hall). Well, both doors were closed as ThePants and I (who were dressed like this):

were about to go into John's apartment, but got sidetracked into having a clandestine discussion revolving around my summer in the scooter store, Donald's bed and a girl with whom I've had relations dancing a few feet away from my girlfriend. When suddenly Chris came out of John's apartment at nearly the exact moment that Kyle came out of Eryn's apartment (dressed like this):

Before anyone could think about the hilarity of the guys from Miami Vice busting a hush-hush moment between two obvious drug-users, Chris had already thrown me up against the wall and Kyle was already interrogating ThePants. There was not even a moment of hesitation, their improv comic timing was perfect. Chris and Kyle are two of the funniest people I know.
It was a great night. To see all of the amazingly splending pictures (including sexy 80's palo), go to here.
I taped this month's "Henry's Film Corner" (Henry Rollins' show on IFC). This month's episode has Rob Zombie talking about making "Satan's Rejects" and Steve Jones from the 'pistols and the singer from X talking about the growth a punk rock.
Just figured you MIGHT be interested...