Could you draw a picture of the boy, right after the bubble burst? He would be somber and withdrawn, wearing Leonard Cohen-esque tragedy on his shoulders like a heavy coat (it doesn't look quite right on him, he's too young for it). The boy is smart, a problem solver -- an opportunist who can shift from introvert - to - extrovert - and - back again. But, you can't untangle emotions like you can untangle electrical cords (he likes this metaphor, he used it in a comic he wrote but never created -- he showed the sketches to a girl, she seemed to like it, at least, she seems upset that he has yet to make any of these comics a reality, so he guesses that counts for something). The boy finds answers in his work. It's all he knows really. The work is not irrational, it is under his control. He likes control, this boy, he finds it very hard to let himself go completely. You'll never see this boy drunk or high or otherwise impaired.
What's a boy to do, when he has too much self-respect to bottom-out, but too little to leave well-enough alone and let time heal the tender wounds? The boy gave up on caring and believing and the notion that any of it is special. Is he broken or aware? And now, a kiss is a kiss is a kiss and nudity is just something that happens when you take your clothes off. But, what about trust you ask? He lost the wanderlust that led him to dive into life with no fear of repercussions. Trust is an entity to be earned with time, not words he says (there he goes again, feigning that wisdom he has yet to be awarded).
Is a journey worth the undertaking, if at the onset, you are convinced of it's failure? The boy likes mistakes, he rarely makes them twice (he gets the most out of them the first time). He's a stubborn one, too, he'd find every way to do it wrong, just so he could be sure of when he was doing it right. He's like a dog that grips the bone, so tight, you can try to pull the bone away and you'll just lift him off of the ground. Which is just to say, that he is a fighter, and embarks upon these journey's anyway, never giving legitimate consideration to conclusions. It is, after all, the journey and not the destination that one should be concerned with.
If passion is a fashion, than emotion is a curse.
What if passion is a way of life, then what is emotion? Should I really attach so much weight to a Buzzcocks lyric I don't even really understand? Peter Shelley knows the fragile shell... the intricate mind games we play, the psychological damage we incur. My passion is not a fashion, and emotion is an ingredient to pour into my work.
Some artists create to encapsulate the madness of their world and make it small and easy to understand. This is their gift. But, most artists just buy a copy of Photoshop and try to figure out how they can quit their day job and "make it."
Just found this in my inbox:

What's a boy to do, when he has too much self-respect to bottom-out, but too little to leave well-enough alone and let time heal the tender wounds? The boy gave up on caring and believing and the notion that any of it is special. Is he broken or aware? And now, a kiss is a kiss is a kiss and nudity is just something that happens when you take your clothes off. But, what about trust you ask? He lost the wanderlust that led him to dive into life with no fear of repercussions. Trust is an entity to be earned with time, not words he says (there he goes again, feigning that wisdom he has yet to be awarded).
Is a journey worth the undertaking, if at the onset, you are convinced of it's failure? The boy likes mistakes, he rarely makes them twice (he gets the most out of them the first time). He's a stubborn one, too, he'd find every way to do it wrong, just so he could be sure of when he was doing it right. He's like a dog that grips the bone, so tight, you can try to pull the bone away and you'll just lift him off of the ground. Which is just to say, that he is a fighter, and embarks upon these journey's anyway, never giving legitimate consideration to conclusions. It is, after all, the journey and not the destination that one should be concerned with.
If passion is a fashion, than emotion is a curse.
What if passion is a way of life, then what is emotion? Should I really attach so much weight to a Buzzcocks lyric I don't even really understand? Peter Shelley knows the fragile shell... the intricate mind games we play, the psychological damage we incur. My passion is not a fashion, and emotion is an ingredient to pour into my work.
Some artists create to encapsulate the madness of their world and make it small and easy to understand. This is their gift. But, most artists just buy a copy of Photoshop and try to figure out how they can quit their day job and "make it."
Just found this in my inbox:

3) Yes, I know consciously how bad an idea it is to live with her, and yeah, until last night I was still 100% sure that I would. It may not be too late to back out now, although if I can get over her and go back to the way things used to be, she makes a decent roommate.
4) Given the discussion I had with her last night (its in my journal now) pursuing her is pretty much out of the question. I don't think I have to worry about randomly hooking up with her either. I think its clear (in her own fucked-up way of letting me know) that she isn't interested. Talking to her about why she likes to hook up with random guys is never going to happen. She can't even answer simple questions without clamming up, a deep conversation like that is something she probably won't be ready for for years.
Indeed, I do think our music collections would be great friends.
I do believe music is probably the most powerful thing in the world..
Sorry I didnt get back to you about the whole art thing.. I've been quite distracted lately. I'll get in touch with you soon about it.