so, we're standing at the back of the room, Meat Depressed, a generic boston punk band is playing (opening for The Independents). we're dressed normal (for us) which is to say, paul and i are wearing tight clothes, all black (i'm wearing a tie with my t-shirt) and ThePants is wearing a clockwork orange shirt with black (ahem) pants. the singer calls us out from the stage and asks what band we are... fucking baffled, we have no reply. he says, "you. yeah, you robert plant... come up here." and i look at pants and i say "me? does he mean me?" and he says "yeah, he does." so i go up there and watch the last two songs they play. afterwards, he asks us (now including PopeTom what band we are in. i say none, he says i just thought you were, because of the way you dress and how you came in together and i say "um, we're punk, this is the way we dress."
so, two nights later, we're lost (me, pants, paul and a mohawked TheFullNelson - dressed roughly the same, i've traded the tie for a sleeveless shirt that shows off the tattoos on my shoulder). we're walking around newport, rhode island, trying to find the club the Independents are playing. paul gets the bright idea to ask a couple walking down the street where it is. after a brief conversation, the gentleman gives us directions and then says "why, are you guys playing there tonight?"
we find the club, the show goes on, at the very end of the night, pants and i are covered in sweat, talking to evil presley, the singer of The Independents about the show. we walk away and this dude says "you were great." and, always ready to accept a complement (and assuming he meant my dancing, which is conceivable) i say "thanks!" he says, "where in south carolina are you from," and, pants says "we're from boston." unphased, the dude asks pants "which one are you?" and it suddenly dones on me and i say "um, dude, we're not the band. they are." and point to Evil and Willy, "they are the band, they are from South Carolina." and, still unphased, "but you guys are all sweaty? how'd you get all sweaty?" and i say, "um, from dancing..."
in some form or another, ThePants and i have been mistaken for being in a band FIVE TIMES since the beginning of may. what the fuck?
the show was great, the first band BRUNT OF IT, played some nice heavy-punk, third wave ska... the third band, DAMASSEK were so fucking metal that i wanted to sacrifice myself to them! they are the best metal band i have seen live in like five years. they even played a MANOWAR cover!!!
in other news, aoife is awesome (but we all knew that) and i came home today to a copy of DAVID BOWIE's Diamond Dogs album. it felt so loved. i will give it a good home.
Monday is my first Muay Thai kickboxing class. I am very excited.
not that any of you care, but i think about palo alot.
so, two nights later, we're lost (me, pants, paul and a mohawked TheFullNelson - dressed roughly the same, i've traded the tie for a sleeveless shirt that shows off the tattoos on my shoulder). we're walking around newport, rhode island, trying to find the club the Independents are playing. paul gets the bright idea to ask a couple walking down the street where it is. after a brief conversation, the gentleman gives us directions and then says "why, are you guys playing there tonight?"
we find the club, the show goes on, at the very end of the night, pants and i are covered in sweat, talking to evil presley, the singer of The Independents about the show. we walk away and this dude says "you were great." and, always ready to accept a complement (and assuming he meant my dancing, which is conceivable) i say "thanks!" he says, "where in south carolina are you from," and, pants says "we're from boston." unphased, the dude asks pants "which one are you?" and it suddenly dones on me and i say "um, dude, we're not the band. they are." and point to Evil and Willy, "they are the band, they are from South Carolina." and, still unphased, "but you guys are all sweaty? how'd you get all sweaty?" and i say, "um, from dancing..."
in some form or another, ThePants and i have been mistaken for being in a band FIVE TIMES since the beginning of may. what the fuck?
the show was great, the first band BRUNT OF IT, played some nice heavy-punk, third wave ska... the third band, DAMASSEK were so fucking metal that i wanted to sacrifice myself to them! they are the best metal band i have seen live in like five years. they even played a MANOWAR cover!!!
in other news, aoife is awesome (but we all knew that) and i came home today to a copy of DAVID BOWIE's Diamond Dogs album. it felt so loved. i will give it a good home.
Monday is my first Muay Thai kickboxing class. I am very excited.
not that any of you care, but i think about palo alot.
"when tom is around, i generally look over my left shoulder, hoping that the little angel popped up as well... "
I have bad news for you, I am the angel