there really aren't very many feelings quite like the one you get when you quit a job that makes you miserable.
i got an email yesterday from one of the owners indicating a meeting would be required today. as i suspected, they lost their patience for my role in the company and my relationship with the original owner. i was given a choice between demoting myself and working as a sign designer again (and in the process, reporting directly to the least-talented designer in the entire company as my manager) or leaving.
so i left.
i like the owners of my company because they are businessmen. i think they make tons of shitty decisions, but they aren't idiots or assholes. i had a meeting with all three owners and we talked about what is expected of me; at no point did they try to give me an ultimatum or strong-arm me into staying. they recognized my freewill and my ability to make a choice; and what they asked was if i felt i could work under these new conditions; and i said i couldn't, they shook my hands and left me and my boss, my mentor alone.
it kinda sucked. he and i have had a good working relationship and we have a shared vision of what the company could be. while the two new owners feel the work i was doing was a "luxury" the company could not afford; he felt that the work i was doing was "absolutely necessary to take this company to the next level."
he gave me his home phone and email address and told me to keep in touch. he's a good guy. i'm sad to see things end like this, but there was no other choice. you don't get my talent, intelligence and passion unless you treat me with respect and stay the fuck out of my way while i work.
so, today starts the next chapter in my life. on my own again, i have enough money to pay my rent for june and eat for the next four weeks; which means, that in the next 28 days, i have to raise enough money to pay my rent and bills for july and also to, y'know, eat n' stuff.
so, right now...
right now, it's time to...
i got an email yesterday from one of the owners indicating a meeting would be required today. as i suspected, they lost their patience for my role in the company and my relationship with the original owner. i was given a choice between demoting myself and working as a sign designer again (and in the process, reporting directly to the least-talented designer in the entire company as my manager) or leaving.
so i left.
i like the owners of my company because they are businessmen. i think they make tons of shitty decisions, but they aren't idiots or assholes. i had a meeting with all three owners and we talked about what is expected of me; at no point did they try to give me an ultimatum or strong-arm me into staying. they recognized my freewill and my ability to make a choice; and what they asked was if i felt i could work under these new conditions; and i said i couldn't, they shook my hands and left me and my boss, my mentor alone.
it kinda sucked. he and i have had a good working relationship and we have a shared vision of what the company could be. while the two new owners feel the work i was doing was a "luxury" the company could not afford; he felt that the work i was doing was "absolutely necessary to take this company to the next level."
he gave me his home phone and email address and told me to keep in touch. he's a good guy. i'm sad to see things end like this, but there was no other choice. you don't get my talent, intelligence and passion unless you treat me with respect and stay the fuck out of my way while i work.
so, today starts the next chapter in my life. on my own again, i have enough money to pay my rent for june and eat for the next four weeks; which means, that in the next 28 days, i have to raise enough money to pay my rent and bills for july and also to, y'know, eat n' stuff.
so, right now...
right now, it's time to...
I will ask her, thanks.
And way to stick to your guns and leaving when you know it was the right choice for you.