Palo was here for the whole weekend, from late Friday night until this afternoon. She left after an hour-and-a-half wasted gloriously with fresh-baked cinnamon buns and sitcoms (The Cos, King of the Hill, and Yes, Dear). I contemplated quitting my job so I could stay home and watch that hour-and-a-half block everyday. Damn, that's some good stuff. I love all of that TV-style family concern in the Huxtable family.
Seems like a busier weekend than it was, it flew by really fast. Palo and I have a strange comfort level with each other, where neither of us really needs to talk, nobody needs to be babysat or questioned constantly to be sure that they are having a good time.
Saturday night, we got up and went to the Punk Rock Flea Market at MassART, it was pretty sweet. The DJ played a Murphy's Law track while I was browsing the tables. I got a patch that says "God bless girls in the pit," I think it is pretty rad. I ran into a bunch of people I know, so did she. I've been very anti-septic in terms of attaching myself to a scene up here, and Boston seems even more closed-off than most, but I still manage to pick up aquaintances in random sub-cultures that say hi to me when we run into one another.
After that, we walked to Boston University and got a not-so-perfect hot pretzel from a street vendor outside of the Museum of Fine Art. The gallery area at BU was closed, so we couldn't see the comics palo made from the photos she took of us last month. So, we just got tacos at "our" place, heh.
Saturday night, we went to Manray. I took a walk up to say hi to Gumbercules in the DJ booth and see how he's been and I said something to the effect of "Palo is here, hopefully I'll be able to get her dance."
Of course, the minute I walk downstairs, I can't find her and ThePants points to the dance floor where she is well on her way to dancing herself into exhaustion with sapphic_plastic to Peaches.
It was a good night. TheFullNelson and AegisWings were also out and everybody danced most of the night. It was a night full of great songs, some slight aberrations from the usual tunes. I got really sick (we had a late dinner, sicilian pizza and root beer = terrible idea) and had to sit down for a while, I felt horrendous, like the act of breathing would be enough to make me vomit. Palo came and sat with me for a couple of songs and I kept thinking of Wayne's World when Garth asks for advice on hurling in front of the woman he likes "...if you blow chunks and she stays, she's yours. If you spew and she bolts it was never meant to be."
I decided to tough it out though for Blondie and Billy Idol and eventually I started to feel better. I don't usually like dancing with anyone, preferring to keep to myself, but whenever "Rio" by Duran Duran is played, I have a tendency to become more friendly, so I quickly scoured the club, found my girl and dragged her up onto a platform with me. She's cute. It's hard to dance around her and not just run into her like fuckin' Marmaduke and kiss her until she pushes you off...
Next morning, we managed to get up just in time to have lunch with Murkling at The Pour House. He's a cool guy, it's funny that I've been around for over a year and it's not until now that I've really talked to him much. Better late than never, eh?
This afternoon has been all about adjusting myself to the lack of a warm, pretty, sweet-smelling girl to lay around with. I feel less tragic-romantic than usual; which is a good sign. Like my brain seems capable of accepting the fact that I'll see her again in a few weeks and there is no reason for me to be moping. I like that it wasn't a big deal for her to leave today. But still, I wouldn't have minded kissing her again tonight before bed.
Seems like a busier weekend than it was, it flew by really fast. Palo and I have a strange comfort level with each other, where neither of us really needs to talk, nobody needs to be babysat or questioned constantly to be sure that they are having a good time.
Saturday night, we got up and went to the Punk Rock Flea Market at MassART, it was pretty sweet. The DJ played a Murphy's Law track while I was browsing the tables. I got a patch that says "God bless girls in the pit," I think it is pretty rad. I ran into a bunch of people I know, so did she. I've been very anti-septic in terms of attaching myself to a scene up here, and Boston seems even more closed-off than most, but I still manage to pick up aquaintances in random sub-cultures that say hi to me when we run into one another.
After that, we walked to Boston University and got a not-so-perfect hot pretzel from a street vendor outside of the Museum of Fine Art. The gallery area at BU was closed, so we couldn't see the comics palo made from the photos she took of us last month. So, we just got tacos at "our" place, heh.
Saturday night, we went to Manray. I took a walk up to say hi to Gumbercules in the DJ booth and see how he's been and I said something to the effect of "Palo is here, hopefully I'll be able to get her dance."
Of course, the minute I walk downstairs, I can't find her and ThePants points to the dance floor where she is well on her way to dancing herself into exhaustion with sapphic_plastic to Peaches.
It was a good night. TheFullNelson and AegisWings were also out and everybody danced most of the night. It was a night full of great songs, some slight aberrations from the usual tunes. I got really sick (we had a late dinner, sicilian pizza and root beer = terrible idea) and had to sit down for a while, I felt horrendous, like the act of breathing would be enough to make me vomit. Palo came and sat with me for a couple of songs and I kept thinking of Wayne's World when Garth asks for advice on hurling in front of the woman he likes "...if you blow chunks and she stays, she's yours. If you spew and she bolts it was never meant to be."
I decided to tough it out though for Blondie and Billy Idol and eventually I started to feel better. I don't usually like dancing with anyone, preferring to keep to myself, but whenever "Rio" by Duran Duran is played, I have a tendency to become more friendly, so I quickly scoured the club, found my girl and dragged her up onto a platform with me. She's cute. It's hard to dance around her and not just run into her like fuckin' Marmaduke and kiss her until she pushes you off...
Next morning, we managed to get up just in time to have lunch with Murkling at The Pour House. He's a cool guy, it's funny that I've been around for over a year and it's not until now that I've really talked to him much. Better late than never, eh?
This afternoon has been all about adjusting myself to the lack of a warm, pretty, sweet-smelling girl to lay around with. I feel less tragic-romantic than usual; which is a good sign. Like my brain seems capable of accepting the fact that I'll see her again in a few weeks and there is no reason for me to be moping. I like that it wasn't a big deal for her to leave today. But still, I wouldn't have minded kissing her again tonight before bed.
I swear I am going to put that CD in the mail tomorrow.
You are lucky to have landed yourself a Palo but I think you are very deserving. I think I mentioned that in between discussion of homosexuals and their antics but you had already parted ways to "accomplish things".