are you an insurance salesman? if you are and this drawing makes you want to broker insurance accounts through my client, then i am doing my job.
Palo: What about Money for Nothing?
Jordan: No.
Palo: What about Airheads?
Jordan: No. Who the fuck said you get to pick the movie? The whole point of watching a movie was for me to finally watch Heat.
(Palo makes sulking face).
Jordan: Don't you make that sulking face at me.
(Jordan throws pillow at Palo).
Jordan: We can watch Planet of the Apes instead. The one with Marky-Mark.
Palo: No. Heat is fine.
Jordan: What the hell is wrong with Marky-Mark? Do you have a problem with Marky-Mark? He's my favorite Wahlberg!
Palo: I like Danny-
Jordan: Donny.
Palo: Whatever.
Heat was a great flick. Hadn't seen it in a few years. Henry Rollins, though I love him to death, was a terrible choice to play a bodyguard. When you cover up his tattoos, neck and biceps he just looks like a short guy.
You guys are funny and so is this...

are you kidding me? Did you not notice that I have an album in Art called Sg Art NOT JUST PHOTOSHOP!