walk in the door, take off the tie, step out of the dress pants, step into the dickies. the interview was sanitized and thoroughly corporate, is it impolite to tell a manager that not only could you do their job as well as they could, but you could also bench press them?
i had to take a standardized test to determine how well i would fit in. it's funny, i was able to reverse engineer the test based on the content and arrangement of the questions and the corresponding layout on the answer sheet. the answer ovals you had to fill in ran in a row from 1 to 5, then the next row underneath starts with 6, so that questions 1, 6, 11, 17 form a column (and so on); the questions that make up each column are broken up into themes, but this appears to be at random because it is according to columns (which are at set intervals) and not rows (which are in chronological order) for instance, if the first thirty questions addressed your mental health, you would figure it out.
so, i determined that the breakdown was like this:
column 1 : energy level, ability to work
column 2: outgoing nature, friendliness, popularity
column 3: mental health, stability
column 4: individuality, backbone
column 5: neatness, organization
according to the tone of the questions, they want employees with a high energy level, an outgoing personality, stable and consistent happy outlook, no individual feelings and an absolute refusal to stand up for one's self and a penchant for planning, organization and doing things the "company" way.
maybe it's just my background in conceptual design, but the whole thing was rather transparent.... but, then again, i used to ace quizzes on books i never read in english by checking the questions against one another to determine the truths and answering the questions based on those.
anyway, my ten minute break is up, i'm gonna go stand on an unbalanced ladder in high winds and make off-color jokes with my boss while we hang banners in south boston.
throw rag and gogol bordello tomorrow. oh yeah.
i had to take a standardized test to determine how well i would fit in. it's funny, i was able to reverse engineer the test based on the content and arrangement of the questions and the corresponding layout on the answer sheet. the answer ovals you had to fill in ran in a row from 1 to 5, then the next row underneath starts with 6, so that questions 1, 6, 11, 17 form a column (and so on); the questions that make up each column are broken up into themes, but this appears to be at random because it is according to columns (which are at set intervals) and not rows (which are in chronological order) for instance, if the first thirty questions addressed your mental health, you would figure it out.
so, i determined that the breakdown was like this:
column 1 : energy level, ability to work
column 2: outgoing nature, friendliness, popularity
column 3: mental health, stability
column 4: individuality, backbone
column 5: neatness, organization
according to the tone of the questions, they want employees with a high energy level, an outgoing personality, stable and consistent happy outlook, no individual feelings and an absolute refusal to stand up for one's self and a penchant for planning, organization and doing things the "company" way.
maybe it's just my background in conceptual design, but the whole thing was rather transparent.... but, then again, i used to ace quizzes on books i never read in english by checking the questions against one another to determine the truths and answering the questions based on those.
anyway, my ten minute break is up, i'm gonna go stand on an unbalanced ladder in high winds and make off-color jokes with my boss while we hang banners in south boston.
throw rag and gogol bordello tomorrow. oh yeah.
even if it makes me think of Steve, I fucking need it. the AC/DC isn't cutting it.