what is up
with people when they get a little power
Corruption breeds ill mannered shauvenists
Makes me want to smile devilishly sweet, get close, flirt a little
& then full force kick them in the balls!
but it really doesn't matter how much ball-busting you do
power still corrupts, shauvenists still miss the meaning of a woman
one that gives life, nourishes, loves unconditionally, non-judgemental, healer of hearts, inticer of thoughts....etc.etc.etc
mistake a true woman for just a pocket to squeeze your tiny pecker into
and see how limited your eyes become.
This shauvenism breeds ill-mannered people, passes down the line...currupts women and taints their true meaning. "let me be your whore, for a little extra mula, sweet sugar daddy"
yet if he'd only understood her, for the immaculate being that she hides, he would have a sex goddess instead of a whore.
with people when they get a little power
Corruption breeds ill mannered shauvenists
Makes me want to smile devilishly sweet, get close, flirt a little
& then full force kick them in the balls!
but it really doesn't matter how much ball-busting you do
power still corrupts, shauvenists still miss the meaning of a woman
one that gives life, nourishes, loves unconditionally, non-judgemental, healer of hearts, inticer of thoughts....etc.etc.etc
mistake a true woman for just a pocket to squeeze your tiny pecker into
and see how limited your eyes become.
This shauvenism breeds ill-mannered people, passes down the line...currupts women and taints their true meaning. "let me be your whore, for a little extra mula, sweet sugar daddy"
yet if he'd only understood her, for the immaculate being that she hides, he would have a sex goddess instead of a whore.

Once when traveling through the Dominican Republic we were in a small port (boaters-mostly American duck out there during hurricane season) and I asked who wanted to go to a local club to hear the music and see the dancing etc etc. the boaters all laughed and said oh the "Car Wash" pick up some whores...(it wasn't a whore house it was just a local club). I turned to one of the men (who claims his company is involed with the restructuring of Iraq) and I said "How could a woman be a whore if you treated her like a lady?"
There are plenty of men out there that do get it but with all the wrong information and bad examples and poor structures in place there is so much work to be done to change perceptions so that a woman has a comfortable platform to walk out on and become as you say the immaculate being that she is and work her magic.
If men only knew how good they would truly have it. Daayyuuumm.
Someone done you wrong.
There will always be men who think that beacause they have power and money they can do what they want and they are gods gift, I have a friend / had a friend like this, nice guy until it comes to women, and then a real shit, you tell him and he just does,nt getit.
Problem is he was like this before he had power - only now he thiks he deserves and is entitled to it.
I am sure it comes from childhood and rejection.
Just smile, dot get upset,laugh at it , rise above it and just think how it will hurt them then they realise that it doesnt bother you and with everything that they have you are so out of their reach ,
and this comes from a guy- it gives us all a bad name