ok, the last couple of weeks of my life have been all work & no play
7 days a week. I'm suffering from it terribly. I'm insanely depressed. So bad that I'm talking to myself on a reg. I need a vaca with my friends. I need marguritas at 2 in the afternoon in a steamy tropical temperment. I need a good skinny-dip in the pool with my fav girlfriends, including the hottest of them all - DevilsMistress
If I could get her close to me, I'd show her what women feel, taste, smell, and fuck like. (oh & real women bite till it bleeds
) If I can just hold out one more week, it'll all be over & I can get back to the norm of playing hard & working when I need to. Plus I should be recieving my tax check soon!!$$$ Just in time for some fresh ink.
Is anyone else banking this year? If so, will you take me on vacation?

(those are all wet, probing, passionate kisses by the way)