It's getting worse, caucasian psychosis is setting in quicker than it ever previously did. This is not good, neither for myself, nor the people I love.
I don't know if it's the last couple of weeks but the world is slowly starting to get to me, I was happy, I thought everyone else was happy, but the people that mean the most to me to are living lives that they do not derserve, friends are living in fear, for various reasons, my girlfriend is allergic to everything under the sun and could suffer a reaction at any time.
I feel I could help one person out, but should I even bother interfering? Especially when the only real way to solve her problem is rather illegal.
This quote from 'Swimming With Sharks' seems very apt at the moment
"Because life... is not a movie. Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love... does not conquer all."
I can't help but the feel that the people who deserve to be happy are always the ones who suffer the most.
If I hear of it happening again I'm going to take a fucking shotgun to him.
"How sad - this is what your life has
been reduced to - a single room apartment containing no more than a mattress.
The strings have been removed from the blinds and all the outlets have been
painted over. The television screen is streaked with blood smeared from your
knuckles as you were trying to punch it out but you underestimated its
strength, or maybe you just weren't trying hard enough. Startled by a knock
at the door you rise for the first time in two days to answer, but you can
only greet the visitor with one short statement. Hello my first name is
distance and I really don't care if I never wake up again."
I don't know if it's the last couple of weeks but the world is slowly starting to get to me, I was happy, I thought everyone else was happy, but the people that mean the most to me to are living lives that they do not derserve, friends are living in fear, for various reasons, my girlfriend is allergic to everything under the sun and could suffer a reaction at any time.
I feel I could help one person out, but should I even bother interfering? Especially when the only real way to solve her problem is rather illegal.
This quote from 'Swimming With Sharks' seems very apt at the moment
"Because life... is not a movie. Everyone lies. Good guys lose. And love... does not conquer all."
I can't help but the feel that the people who deserve to be happy are always the ones who suffer the most.
If I hear of it happening again I'm going to take a fucking shotgun to him.
"How sad - this is what your life has
been reduced to - a single room apartment containing no more than a mattress.
The strings have been removed from the blinds and all the outlets have been
painted over. The television screen is streaked with blood smeared from your
knuckles as you were trying to punch it out but you underestimated its
strength, or maybe you just weren't trying hard enough. Startled by a knock
at the door you rise for the first time in two days to answer, but you can
only greet the visitor with one short statement. Hello my first name is
distance and I really don't care if I never wake up again."