my thumb won't heal due to the sanding wood i do all day!god,i should have gotten it just oozes whit/green shit.haven't skated in months,i'm getting really depressed,then i picked up some new guitars and this thumb thing happens...i can't play em'
i've been drunk all weekend.went out to the valley for a barbacue on sunday,and rode my brother ben's bike for a bit(cuz mines still down).then i ended up laying his bike down at this intersection.and he has an open primary so i thgought for sure i'd atleast broken my foot,but suprizigling in my drunken state was able to pull my leg up fast enough,and slide it out.i don't think we even said anythin,we just kept laughing,and all these cars were pissed cuz i wouldn't pick the bike up till he gave me a kiss.funny,i crash his bike,and he ends up bying me the all actuality all i did was snap the foot peg off and scratch up his primary base.god that bike is fast.........and i found out the hard way,shit,no back breaks... ,ha!
all in all,a good run/crash(ha Ha),gotta love some one who watches you almost kill yourself,then just hand you a beer, adnd say"damn,that was crazy,oh,ok?your foots still on".then give the finger to a row of cars behind us...that's waiting for me to move the bike.we finish the beers,i light a smoke ,pick up the bike,and rode that god damn thing with no shifter foot peg on. my luck.......i love it,when am i just gonna die?it'll probably happen while i'm helping some old lady across the street......oh whell folks,i'm gonna get some sleep...nurse my thumb,then get ready to go back to sanding wood all day.
ok,now fuck off......"Viva LOs VAGOS"!
anyone seen the news lately,wasn't me,i swear...
i've been drunk all weekend.went out to the valley for a barbacue on sunday,and rode my brother ben's bike for a bit(cuz mines still down).then i ended up laying his bike down at this intersection.and he has an open primary so i thgought for sure i'd atleast broken my foot,but suprizigling in my drunken state was able to pull my leg up fast enough,and slide it out.i don't think we even said anythin,we just kept laughing,and all these cars were pissed cuz i wouldn't pick the bike up till he gave me a kiss.funny,i crash his bike,and he ends up bying me the all actuality all i did was snap the foot peg off and scratch up his primary base.god that bike is fast.........and i found out the hard way,shit,no back breaks... ,ha!
all in all,a good run/crash(ha Ha),gotta love some one who watches you almost kill yourself,then just hand you a beer, adnd say"damn,that was crazy,oh,ok?your foots still on".then give the finger to a row of cars behind us...that's waiting for me to move the bike.we finish the beers,i light a smoke ,pick up the bike,and rode that god damn thing with no shifter foot peg on. my luck.......i love it,when am i just gonna die?it'll probably happen while i'm helping some old lady across the street......oh whell folks,i'm gonna get some sleep...nurse my thumb,then get ready to go back to sanding wood all day.
ok,now fuck off......"Viva LOs VAGOS"!
anyone seen the news lately,wasn't me,i swear...

Nice pics btw.