Where to begin? Im absolutely and thoroughly pissed off and disgusted with this bullshit war in Lebanon. I could go on for hours about what a jackass our president is and the presidents that we have set for the rest of the world regarding armed invasion. Sometimes I feel helpless in the face of all of this bullshit.
Israel has free rein in the region; there is no more balance of power. The concept/system of balance of power for all of its flaws has at times had some positive results. This mismatched war in Lebanon, backed and condoned by the US government is a travesty.
And while all of this goes on the US Congress is busy debating useless flash-point issues that mean nothing to the lives of most people. Election year campaigning before the annual August recess and the fall stumping season and the battle for congress.
Is it really necessary for the Congress to waste time debating a bill the purpose of which is to make it a crime for a minor in need of an abortion to be transported across state lines from a state that requires parental consent for an abortion to a neighboring state that doesnt? Cmon? I know that these are tragic stories but for real, how many people are we talking about? How many minors in need of an abortion can and/or are being transported across state lines for an abortion to avoid the parental consent issue? Let the congress debate things that have an impact. Keep the Feds on BS they can handle. Dont miss my point: The conservatives want a campaign issue and they know that this is a flash point issue. America is gullible and will let their time and the time of their elected official be wasted. And the media indulges it. It makes me fucking sick.
I dont have a reliable lap top computer any more. It kinda sucks. I used to be able to hang out in my bed or any place in my apartment that I wanted to- wireless, high speed and fast. Not so much now. Although I hear PC prices are falling. Hopefully a new computer before the end of the summer.
Anyone know anything about these Fetish parties happening in Boston? They are supposed to start being weekly beginning next weekend August 6. I have the website written down at home (currently at work), Ill post it for discussion.
Did anyone read the Stuff@Night about Sex in Boston? Lame.
Enjoy the heat!
Israel has free rein in the region; there is no more balance of power. The concept/system of balance of power for all of its flaws has at times had some positive results. This mismatched war in Lebanon, backed and condoned by the US government is a travesty.
And while all of this goes on the US Congress is busy debating useless flash-point issues that mean nothing to the lives of most people. Election year campaigning before the annual August recess and the fall stumping season and the battle for congress.
Is it really necessary for the Congress to waste time debating a bill the purpose of which is to make it a crime for a minor in need of an abortion to be transported across state lines from a state that requires parental consent for an abortion to a neighboring state that doesnt? Cmon? I know that these are tragic stories but for real, how many people are we talking about? How many minors in need of an abortion can and/or are being transported across state lines for an abortion to avoid the parental consent issue? Let the congress debate things that have an impact. Keep the Feds on BS they can handle. Dont miss my point: The conservatives want a campaign issue and they know that this is a flash point issue. America is gullible and will let their time and the time of their elected official be wasted. And the media indulges it. It makes me fucking sick.
I dont have a reliable lap top computer any more. It kinda sucks. I used to be able to hang out in my bed or any place in my apartment that I wanted to- wireless, high speed and fast. Not so much now. Although I hear PC prices are falling. Hopefully a new computer before the end of the summer.
Anyone know anything about these Fetish parties happening in Boston? They are supposed to start being weekly beginning next weekend August 6. I have the website written down at home (currently at work), Ill post it for discussion.
Did anyone read the Stuff@Night about Sex in Boston? Lame.
Enjoy the heat!
wow, i couldn't agree with you more. and, i think a fetish party sounds divine