Okay, so it was a mistake to log into SG chat while drunk on Saturday night! I wasn't even that drunk, but I was tired. I don't think I made many friends and it's fucking hard enough to keep up with the dialog when you're sober! Live and learn.
Went bowling on Saturday night (prior to chat) at the Milky Way in JP (is that what the place is called?). What is the story with candle pins anyway? Kind of a cool place, people were friendly and laid back. I bashed my finger on a swing through and bleed on the floor. Avg = 71 for 3 games
I'm skipping out of work early today 'cause I landed some free tickets to the make-up Sox v. Phillies game at Fenway. Okay, so they're bleacher seats but it beats the hell out of sitting at my desk. And they were free!
In other news, I finally got a new mobile phone- a fancy new Razor with camera and video.
Went bowling on Saturday night (prior to chat) at the Milky Way in JP (is that what the place is called?). What is the story with candle pins anyway? Kind of a cool place, people were friendly and laid back. I bashed my finger on a swing through and bleed on the floor. Avg = 71 for 3 games
I'm skipping out of work early today 'cause I landed some free tickets to the make-up Sox v. Phillies game at Fenway. Okay, so they're bleacher seats but it beats the hell out of sitting at my desk. And they were free!
In other news, I finally got a new mobile phone- a fancy new Razor with camera and video.
'least you can get into sg chat. i can't