I'm back from Seattle. I will post pics and stuff later in another post. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Seattle!!!!!!!!
Ha Ha I just posted this (below) on AboveAverageDriver.com. It's a site where folks can rant about loser drivers or give props to good ones. It's silly. But I hate minivans sooo much I had to be a wanker and post this rather mean-spirited slam. The only people who are cool in minivans are people in bands or cool moms like jinxi, but she has a big caddy.
Anyway....here's my lovely ode to the Minivan:
What is UP with these bloated, oblivious idiots going just under the speed limit in the passing lane, or everywhere else for that matter?? I realize the convenience of the damn vehicle but must they be driven as if other drivers don't exist? Minivan drivers are slow, aimless, heedless of blinkers, drifting about like big fat junebugs on a summers night. Being slow and clueless does not make you safer! Being slow and clueless makes other drivers mad at you!
They live in their own little comfy world of the minivan, with their stupid jesus fish and My Son is an Honor Student stickers plastered on the back, and those godforsaken cartoon stickers for every little spoiled brat they've spawned. I wish I had little bullet hole stickers I could paste to their foreheads!!
When they park, the must always find the spot closest to the Walmart door, and if you are getting ready to leave a spot they will p a t i e n t l y wait behind you with their blinker on (the only time they use them) when there are 20 empty parking spots 3 cars down. God forbid these lazy tards walk more than they have to! It's all about the path of least resistance! Why waste the effort to exert oneself?
After they park, the doors open, (dinging your car next to them of course), and out pours the sprawl of the suburbs in human form. Mediocrity at its finest and most magnificant. Thank you McDonalds, Walmart, and American Idol. Thank you stretch pants, belly shirts and those little motorized wheelchair carts.
Minivans represent everything that is evil in this world. Minivan drivers are the sloths of the human race. They clog our roads, clog our malls, clog our cities, breed like rabbits to clog even further and don't give a crap. It's not that they're stupid per se, it's that they choose not to think or be aware of their surroundings because they think they and their family are the only things that matter. I used to hate yuppie moms in SUV's talking on their cells but the Minivan has taken their place. I hate them and everything they stand for.
Ha Ha I just posted this (below) on AboveAverageDriver.com. It's a site where folks can rant about loser drivers or give props to good ones. It's silly. But I hate minivans sooo much I had to be a wanker and post this rather mean-spirited slam. The only people who are cool in minivans are people in bands or cool moms like jinxi, but she has a big caddy.
Anyway....here's my lovely ode to the Minivan:
What is UP with these bloated, oblivious idiots going just under the speed limit in the passing lane, or everywhere else for that matter?? I realize the convenience of the damn vehicle but must they be driven as if other drivers don't exist? Minivan drivers are slow, aimless, heedless of blinkers, drifting about like big fat junebugs on a summers night. Being slow and clueless does not make you safer! Being slow and clueless makes other drivers mad at you!
They live in their own little comfy world of the minivan, with their stupid jesus fish and My Son is an Honor Student stickers plastered on the back, and those godforsaken cartoon stickers for every little spoiled brat they've spawned. I wish I had little bullet hole stickers I could paste to their foreheads!!
When they park, the must always find the spot closest to the Walmart door, and if you are getting ready to leave a spot they will p a t i e n t l y wait behind you with their blinker on (the only time they use them) when there are 20 empty parking spots 3 cars down. God forbid these lazy tards walk more than they have to! It's all about the path of least resistance! Why waste the effort to exert oneself?
After they park, the doors open, (dinging your car next to them of course), and out pours the sprawl of the suburbs in human form. Mediocrity at its finest and most magnificant. Thank you McDonalds, Walmart, and American Idol. Thank you stretch pants, belly shirts and those little motorized wheelchair carts.
Minivans represent everything that is evil in this world. Minivan drivers are the sloths of the human race. They clog our roads, clog our malls, clog our cities, breed like rabbits to clog even further and don't give a crap. It's not that they're stupid per se, it's that they choose not to think or be aware of their surroundings because they think they and their family are the only things that matter. I used to hate yuppie moms in SUV's talking on their cells but the Minivan has taken their place. I hate them and everything they stand for.
Heh, how you feel about minivans is how I feel about SUV's. Damned SUV's

this is a random comment. i came from the geezer group. i love what you have to say about the spawn of satan: mini vans.