3 lb.s down, 7 more to go...for this month anyway.
Past 2 days I've had the kind of sore throat you get when you're about to get really fucking sick. Missed the gym both days. Yesterday I was feeling shitty, and did all I could to prevent this from going full-blown flu. So I ate vitamins like candy, slept most of the day, and drank soup and some rum. Today I am eating lots of vitamin C and garlic tablets, and so far this thing is laying low.
Did a watercolor/ink drawing of the backyard. I'll have to post it some other time, it's not like anyone is reading this and wants to see it!
Now for some sick shit:
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), led by Bush appointees,
plans to launch a new study in which participating low income families
will have their children exposed to toxic pesticides over the course of
two years. The study entitled CHEERS (Children's Environmental Exposure
Research Study) will look at how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or
absorbed by children ranging from babies to 3 years old. For taking
part in these studies, each family will receive $970, a free video
camera, a T-shirt, and a framed certificate of appreciation. In
October, the EPA received $2 million to do the study from the American
Chemistry Council, a chemical industry front group that includes
members such as Dow, Exxon, and Monsanto. . . Critics of the research
claim the study's funders guarantee the results will be biased in favor
of the chemical industry, at the expense of the health of the
impoverished children serving as test subjects."
If you follow the link above, you can sign a petition to stop this evil shite. If you are reading this, by all means sign this petition.
Past 2 days I've had the kind of sore throat you get when you're about to get really fucking sick. Missed the gym both days. Yesterday I was feeling shitty, and did all I could to prevent this from going full-blown flu. So I ate vitamins like candy, slept most of the day, and drank soup and some rum. Today I am eating lots of vitamin C and garlic tablets, and so far this thing is laying low.
Did a watercolor/ink drawing of the backyard. I'll have to post it some other time, it's not like anyone is reading this and wants to see it!
Now for some sick shit:
"The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), led by Bush appointees,
plans to launch a new study in which participating low income families
will have their children exposed to toxic pesticides over the course of
two years. The study entitled CHEERS (Children's Environmental Exposure
Research Study) will look at how chemicals can be ingested, inhaled or
absorbed by children ranging from babies to 3 years old. For taking
part in these studies, each family will receive $970, a free video
camera, a T-shirt, and a framed certificate of appreciation. In
October, the EPA received $2 million to do the study from the American
Chemistry Council, a chemical industry front group that includes
members such as Dow, Exxon, and Monsanto. . . Critics of the research
claim the study's funders guarantee the results will be biased in favor
of the chemical industry, at the expense of the health of the
impoverished children serving as test subjects."
If you follow the link above, you can sign a petition to stop this evil shite. If you are reading this, by all means sign this petition.
That's more than sick, it proves that "push in the Bush" is a dangerous maniac!!!