Things are better as of late, Mr_Matt_ and I are slogging thru the shitty US economy and particularly shittier economy of SoFla. I am an independent contractor doing digital image corrections and web graphics for this company. Money's great and I LOVE my "supervisor"...she's this hot shit artist who has become more of a friend than a coworker. It's a pleasant workday. Get up, take Lynda.com tutorials and work out if I get up early enough (I aim for 4 a.m. if possible), read on the train up, sit in a cube and play with Photoshop all day, learn web stuff I never knew before, read on train home, have dinner with my honey while watching Netflix DVD's, go to bed.
That's been my life basically for about 8 months.
Mr_Matt_ is still looking for work, so that sucks. But he's hanging in there.
Here's our new addition...an 8 lb. dainty little thing by the name of Marble. We found her in the parking lot of my friend's condo. This is her peeking thru couch cushions, one of her favorite games. Matt makes scratchy noises with his hands embedded in couch cushions, and Marble goes nuts.
Went to a Derby Girl thing at Gold Coast Roller Rink a few weeks ago, here's the awesome ladies I've been hanging with as of late:
This Sat. afternoon I'm on Lynda.com again taking introductory vids to Flash. Yep. Flash artists make $63 yr. in these parts, I heard. I figure if I stay working where I am now for at least 4-6 more months I should have enough web skills to land a sweet job when we move outta here...Portland, Oregon, here we come! I hope!
Well, gotta get back to Lynda. Might update more later if I have time.
TaTa for now, ya'll.
Things are better as of late, Mr_Matt_ and I are slogging thru the shitty US economy and particularly shittier economy of SoFla. I am an independent contractor doing digital image corrections and web graphics for this company. Money's great and I LOVE my "supervisor"...she's this hot shit artist who has become more of a friend than a coworker. It's a pleasant workday. Get up, take Lynda.com tutorials and work out if I get up early enough (I aim for 4 a.m. if possible), read on the train up, sit in a cube and play with Photoshop all day, learn web stuff I never knew before, read on train home, have dinner with my honey while watching Netflix DVD's, go to bed.
That's been my life basically for about 8 months.
Mr_Matt_ is still looking for work, so that sucks. But he's hanging in there.
Here's our new addition...an 8 lb. dainty little thing by the name of Marble. We found her in the parking lot of my friend's condo. This is her peeking thru couch cushions, one of her favorite games. Matt makes scratchy noises with his hands embedded in couch cushions, and Marble goes nuts.
Went to a Derby Girl thing at Gold Coast Roller Rink a few weeks ago, here's the awesome ladies I've been hanging with as of late:
This Sat. afternoon I'm on Lynda.com again taking introductory vids to Flash. Yep. Flash artists make $63 yr. in these parts, I heard. I figure if I stay working where I am now for at least 4-6 more months I should have enough web skills to land a sweet job when we move outta here...Portland, Oregon, here we come! I hope!
Well, gotta get back to Lynda. Might update more later if I have time.
TaTa for now, ya'll.