Life has been SUCKING MAJOR ASS right now! Matt and I are basically laid off from our install jobs because CompUSA decided to close nearly half of their stores and fired tons of their employees, and our company that we work for did their main business with them. We were expecting some projects coming up anyway around this time but we were just notified that there is nothing except for some little shit in May that ain't gonna pay the rent. Apparently our company knew this long ago but they are just telling us last week while we were on our last dime, and now we are SKA-REWED!
I've been doing some side work for a faux finish company to make ends meet. Apparently I can't get any more work with my own business and I might just have to fold it for now. This company is cool but the pay is crap, and the work is not steady. We've also been installing some baby safety fixtures for a start-up company here, but again, nothing steady. We've both been sending out resumes like crazy. So far, no serious responses that have led to anything real. Or if a lead comes up it's quickly shut down. I've had many people tell me that pay is awful here in south eastern FL and that you actually make more further north towards Orlando.
Tonight I'm sending our resumes out to temp agencies. Today we tagged a bunch of nice Hollywood houses with pamphlets advertising garage and entry door wood graining, which I learned with the other company. I know that if I could do just one good house in a decent neighborhood I'd get more leads and perhaps save my business. It's pretty amazing what you can do with paint and stain!
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I'm kinda sick of south FL on the whole. Not sure if we'll be here in a year. If things blow apart we're selling everything we don't need and going somewhere else.
Alright, enough bitching. I guess I just need to vent. We are really looking forward to having our friends over this Sat. Our buddy Sue is turning 30 and asked if she could have the bash at our place since it's a house and people can crash if needed. I love having folks over so this will be a welcome change of pace.
Here's the latest's for the Ballyhoo show coming up at Tate's Comics in Lauderhill on 5/5. It's a carnival sideshow themed show. So I did my piece after the TTom Waits song, Eyeball Kid.
Another painting coming up about Snow White for another show, I'll post later.....
I've been doing some side work for a faux finish company to make ends meet. Apparently I can't get any more work with my own business and I might just have to fold it for now. This company is cool but the pay is crap, and the work is not steady. We've also been installing some baby safety fixtures for a start-up company here, but again, nothing steady. We've both been sending out resumes like crazy. So far, no serious responses that have led to anything real. Or if a lead comes up it's quickly shut down. I've had many people tell me that pay is awful here in south eastern FL and that you actually make more further north towards Orlando.
Tonight I'm sending our resumes out to temp agencies. Today we tagged a bunch of nice Hollywood houses with pamphlets advertising garage and entry door wood graining, which I learned with the other company. I know that if I could do just one good house in a decent neighborhood I'd get more leads and perhaps save my business. It's pretty amazing what you can do with paint and stain!
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK. I'm kinda sick of south FL on the whole. Not sure if we'll be here in a year. If things blow apart we're selling everything we don't need and going somewhere else.
Alright, enough bitching. I guess I just need to vent. We are really looking forward to having our friends over this Sat. Our buddy Sue is turning 30 and asked if she could have the bash at our place since it's a house and people can crash if needed. I love having folks over so this will be a welcome change of pace.
Here's the latest's for the Ballyhoo show coming up at Tate's Comics in Lauderhill on 5/5. It's a carnival sideshow themed show. So I did my piece after the TTom Waits song, Eyeball Kid.
Another painting coming up about Snow White for another show, I'll post later.....
Geez, I'm so sorry honey!!
happy birthday!!