Aahhh, a lazy Sunday afternoon! Matt is watching football, Howie is sleeping on the bed and I'm finally blogging SG. Haven't had much internet time lately. Later I'm going to indulge myself in some reading.
mrmatt and I have been way busy these days. Typically Oct. Nov. and into most of Dec. we are traveling all over for our jobs. Right now we are working some pretty long hours hanging up these huge banner systems in CompUSA's in FL. That means we are drilling and cabling heavy steel struts into 20' ceilings, and then securing 100' worth of signage below them. And it's FUN!!
Our schedules will probably thin out in Dec. so we're thinking of having a party at our house and we most certainly are going to invite our wicked cool SG neigbhors LilJackKnife and PlanB, and whomever in SoFla or beyond that wants to come by. Hell, we'll even clean the frogs outta the hot tub for the occassion. Maybe we'll grill them!
I found this video of an animation short I used to love back in the day. I used to go to the Somerville Theaterfor their animation festivals, I saw the very first Simpsons and Pixar films before they went big time. This video, The Big Snit, kicks ass!!!!!!
Looking forward to Jan. when I hope to do some new paintings. I'm building two series....one is of tattooed female nudes and figures, another is flapper babes done in a comic book kind of style. The Flapper series is humorously critical of religion. I just recently showed a few paintings from both series in the Eve Interrupted Sexuality2 Women's Art Party and the recent Art Vs. Rock show at Churchills.
Here's one from the female nudes. When I get more time I will update this website since I have done a lot more work recently.

mrmatt and I have been way busy these days. Typically Oct. Nov. and into most of Dec. we are traveling all over for our jobs. Right now we are working some pretty long hours hanging up these huge banner systems in CompUSA's in FL. That means we are drilling and cabling heavy steel struts into 20' ceilings, and then securing 100' worth of signage below them. And it's FUN!!
Our schedules will probably thin out in Dec. so we're thinking of having a party at our house and we most certainly are going to invite our wicked cool SG neigbhors LilJackKnife and PlanB, and whomever in SoFla or beyond that wants to come by. Hell, we'll even clean the frogs outta the hot tub for the occassion. Maybe we'll grill them!
I found this video of an animation short I used to love back in the day. I used to go to the Somerville Theaterfor their animation festivals, I saw the very first Simpsons and Pixar films before they went big time. This video, The Big Snit, kicks ass!!!!!!
Looking forward to Jan. when I hope to do some new paintings. I'm building two series....one is of tattooed female nudes and figures, another is flapper babes done in a comic book kind of style. The Flapper series is humorously critical of religion. I just recently showed a few paintings from both series in the Eve Interrupted Sexuality2 Women's Art Party and the recent Art Vs. Rock show at Churchills.
Here's one from the female nudes. When I get more time I will update this website since I have done a lot more work recently.

Leave the frogs and we can charge people to receive treatments in your state of the art aquatic critter water jet therapy system...
We weren't friends but I pushed the button so when you push the button that says yes we will officially be friends at which point I will ask to borrow the car.