I bought some new Cologne today.
Ed Hardy Love and Luck!
OMG does it smell so good!!! Lady's, its not gonna fair, once you smell me, you're gonna be all over me
lol j/k
I had a pretty good day. I called in sick from work, just had to get away from that place. My mind is in a bad place and I keep thinking bad thoughts. I spent the day with my mom, I took her and her hubbie out to lunch. Went to Macys with her, ended up opening up a charge card and spent almost 200 bucks just on cologne and perfume lol. But my mom was really happy that I bought her perfume, took her out to lunch, and just spent the day with her. She has had a rough couple of months. She had a neck sugery, was out of work for awhile, and finally got cleared to go back to work...on her way to work, a fucking BUS rearends her! So now her neck is all fucked out and more time out of work now. So it was good for her to get out and be pampered for a bit. She even bought two dwarf frogs and a parkeet! But we didn't catch it at the place, when the guy cought the bird in the net, his foot got caught in the net and the guy kept shacking the net to let him free in the box, and he twisted the little guys foot and broke it. I noticed it while it was in the cage. I've had bbirds all my love and I know they can live with only one leg. There was no blood or anything, I told her to keep a eye on him and if he just stays on the bottom and dosent pertch, he is going to die. She just called me and said he was on top of the cage playing with the only one, so the little guy is gonna be fine =)
I also got my book I ordered in called The Gabriel Method. The time has come for me. I want to be thin. I've had major sugerys, did all the diets, the weight wont leave. Something attracted me to this book. For those that know me, know I don't read that much. So i think its a sign. In a hour i'm already on chapter five! One of the things its talking about it stop holding in your feelings. So I think what im going to do it start writing on here everyday. For some reason I feel comfrontable on suicide girls for letting out my emotions and feelings and I think..no...I KNOW, this is going to help me! The time for a NEW TJ IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
So be warned...many pointless blogs about my day..my feelings...are soon to come, but I need my friends on here help. If you see me go a couple of days without writing, YELL AT ME, EMAIL ME ON HERE, REMIND MY ASS, ANYTHING! Something deep down inside my soul says the time has come, and the time is now.
So fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading..for those that read down this far =)
Also is you wanna know what program im starting, you can read the dudes story here
Ed Hardy Love and Luck!
OMG does it smell so good!!! Lady's, its not gonna fair, once you smell me, you're gonna be all over me

lol j/k
I had a pretty good day. I called in sick from work, just had to get away from that place. My mind is in a bad place and I keep thinking bad thoughts. I spent the day with my mom, I took her and her hubbie out to lunch. Went to Macys with her, ended up opening up a charge card and spent almost 200 bucks just on cologne and perfume lol. But my mom was really happy that I bought her perfume, took her out to lunch, and just spent the day with her. She has had a rough couple of months. She had a neck sugery, was out of work for awhile, and finally got cleared to go back to work...on her way to work, a fucking BUS rearends her! So now her neck is all fucked out and more time out of work now. So it was good for her to get out and be pampered for a bit. She even bought two dwarf frogs and a parkeet! But we didn't catch it at the place, when the guy cought the bird in the net, his foot got caught in the net and the guy kept shacking the net to let him free in the box, and he twisted the little guys foot and broke it. I noticed it while it was in the cage. I've had bbirds all my love and I know they can live with only one leg. There was no blood or anything, I told her to keep a eye on him and if he just stays on the bottom and dosent pertch, he is going to die. She just called me and said he was on top of the cage playing with the only one, so the little guy is gonna be fine =)
I also got my book I ordered in called The Gabriel Method. The time has come for me. I want to be thin. I've had major sugerys, did all the diets, the weight wont leave. Something attracted me to this book. For those that know me, know I don't read that much. So i think its a sign. In a hour i'm already on chapter five! One of the things its talking about it stop holding in your feelings. So I think what im going to do it start writing on here everyday. For some reason I feel comfrontable on suicide girls for letting out my emotions and feelings and I think..no...I KNOW, this is going to help me! The time for a NEW TJ IS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!
So be warned...many pointless blogs about my day..my feelings...are soon to come, but I need my friends on here help. If you see me go a couple of days without writing, YELL AT ME, EMAIL ME ON HERE, REMIND MY ASS, ANYTHING! Something deep down inside my soul says the time has come, and the time is now.
So fingers crossed!
Thanks for reading..for those that read down this far =)
Also is you wanna know what program im starting, you can read the dudes story here
good-luck with the book. i/ve heard about it and would love updates on how you go. if it works for you i may have to try it for myself
thanks for the links, i/m on super slow internet at the moment but look forward to giving them both a listen.